Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Submitted comments will appear below after staff approval.
Deanna Essert 2/10/2006 5:06:13 PM
Deanna Essert 6262 W. Dimond Blvd. I am commenting on the map regarding the Coastal Management Plan because that is the only thing that I have had time to look at. From my viewing the map, it appears that essential protection for substantial wildlife populations is not being provided between Campbell Point and Campbell Lake. As a 40 year resident of Sand Lake, I can attest to the need to protect the remaining wildlife by insureing links in their migration paths and calving grounds below the bluff off West Dimond and elsewhere. I also want to register my objections that this information was not available on the Muni web-site in a timely manner. The Coastal Zone Management announcement was out but there was no information on the site. I request that you extend the timeline as this delay was inappropriate and probably illegal. Tkhere are numerous documents to comment on and having the material available in a timely manner is the utmost of importance. I am having eye problems and have not been able to read materials on the Internet. If it had been on the site in a timely manner, I would have commented when the annnouncement first came out.
Chugach National Forest Supervisor's Office 2/10/2006 10:26:24 AM
Thank you for the opportunity to review the Anchorage Coastal Management Plan. I have had the District review the plan and we have found nothing that causes us concern. Two editorial and clarifcation comments that we offer would be to rename Portage on page 15 under trail systems to either Portage Valley or the Trail of Blue Ice. And second, to include hunting as an activity on page 11 paragraph 2.
Bob Brock 2/8/2006 2:40:05 PM
It is difficult to determine from the maps provided what is Designated as Important Habitat Area. And confusing how Important Habitat is also a Designated Recreation Use Area without commenting on seasonal, or physical limitations. The ACWR has many distinct and sensitive bird nesting areas, which should require seasonal limits on types of recreation if they are to continue functioning. The Plan states that "there is significant use by persons engaging in recreational pursuits" without specifying when and where. I assume the statement refers to the existing Coastal Trail corridor located atop the bluff. That portion of the ACWR below the bluff from Point Campbell to Potter Marsh already offers a rare winter only recreational opportunity. Extremely dense biting insect populations and a high water table naturally limit recreational useage during critical nesting cycles at present.
Jon Spring 2/1/2006 9:56:23 AM
Municipal Transportation Planning has no comments on the Revision to the Anchorage Coastal Management Plan.
Leonard Lamb 12/15/2005 7:25:12 AM
NOT IN MY RICH BACK YARD Here again, a few wealthy "panty waste" want to stop projects that will benefit all Alaskans. And if that is not enough, then how about the tourist who come to Anchorage and use our trails. Stand up and show them that this is America not a communist country as they would like it to be run.