Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Kirsten Ballard 5/4/2005 9:57:37 AM
Build it and they will come: -More REAL Bike Trails/lanes, including and especially downtown (NOTE: it's illegal to ride bikes on sidewalks downtown, yet there are NO BIKE LANES in the roads). -Better APD enforcement of bike-lane violators, especially at Cordova & 15th (no right on red; people use the bike lane like a turn lane DAILY). -Better bike trails could also translate into ski trails that could also be used for the ambitious skier-commuters. -Bike trails that connect hillside via far north bicentennial park to the downtown system would help keep some bikers off roads. -Bike LANES mean that bikes are sharing the road, not subject to stopping at every cross-street. This is one thing that forces the real bike-commuters into the road & off the trails. Trying to use bike trails on streets with lots of cross-roads means it's more difficult to commute (stopping, slowing, etc.). Not to mention the danger posed to the biker and the mommies pushing strollers, kids on rollerblades, grandma walking the dog, etc. -North-South bike corridors are sorely needed, esp. at Northern Lights/Benson and A/C streets. Keep the trails & shoulders swept of winter sand early, too. -Extend the coastal trail! work to make a bike-trail that leaves from downtown and goes all the way to Seward (eventually). Let's go to Talkeetna, too! -Preserve the mushing trails - city benefits from lots of mushers coming to town to spend $$, esp. Iditarod and Fur Rondy. Anchorage Mushers need to train for these events in-town - these and other mushing races are not just for those from outside Anchorage! -Keep the eye-on-the-prize: with gas prices what they are, more "alternative" (i.e., historical means of) transportation such as bikes, skis, rollerblades & walking need to be enhanced. Try walking downtown - there are so many lightposts, junction boxes, and other junk in sidewalk, it's single-file only in places. -Less emphasis on 'car culture' type intersections. Anyone should be able to walk anywhere to go to store, athletic club, haircut, etc. Many places 'Outside' are so car-oriented, even if you live across street from the mall, you have to take a car to get there because it's not safe to drive. Let's not fall prey to this type of non-planning and ignorance of the need to move our bodies. Fight obesity through proper city planning. -Lastly, make an overpass and underpass system to connect Glenn to Seward highways - minimize impact to existing properties by putting it over & underground. Look at L.A. - they can build earthquake-proof overpasses, why not here? Plan for growth, make it happen. Take the cars out of neighborhoods & put them over/underground so as not to impact trails & open space. Thanks for opportunity to comment.
Harriet Drummond 5/1/2005 11:08:57 AM
Ditto to Chris' comment. Somehwere, something exists on this case that has been created on a computer and THAT item needs to be made available to the user of these planning alerts within a click or two, as a PDF file or online reading.
Chris Berg 4/28/2005 5:22:56 PM
I would suggest a link to the plan in the detail or as part of the initial staff report so a person can review the issue without searching for it please.