Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Daniel Stone 12/5/2005 2:07:20 PM
Last month Traffic,s Lance Wilber came to the Bear Valley CC for the first time to talk of the Hillside Sub-area transportation draft. That was unfortunate for we should have been approached way earlier. I am a founding member of the BVCC and have remained active these last 25 years. Over that time we have been approached at least three times by developers with plans that would link Rabbit Creek Heights and View with roads other than Heights Hill. We have overwhelmingly rejected them each time. First, our subdivisions remain virtually burglary free. Why? Because our one major access makes us safer and yet more dangerous for burglars since all the police have had to do is sit at the top of Heights Hill and wait for them to drive out. Despite misinformation to the contrary we do have two accesses, the other is Kings Way. Most importantly though is our lack of desire to be linked by road to those pretentious and obstentatious trophy home owners with their Hummer's and Lexus's who will pollute these new subdivisions. We can't stand those self-absorbed people, why in the world would we ever desire a road link with them? A second connection by Mountain Air Drive into those properties is fine but leave us out of the mix. NO connection of Byron, Marino, and Jamie can ever be acceptable.
Scott Pexton 7/16/2005 9:00:13 AM
2005-118 (no map location available) This case entry announces that a Master Plan Review of a Hillside Subarea Transportation Study will go before the Planning and Zoning Commission on Monday, September 19, 2005. However, it also says "no map location available", and the case boundaries are NOT DEPICTED on the online zoning map. How can any transportation study not have an available map location? Please specify the map location and depict the study area boundaries on the online Zoning & Platting map (or enlighten the public as to how one undertakes a Subarea Transportation Study with "no map location available").
Hank Baij 7/13/2005 10:44:21 AM
Joann, will the Muni be constructing new roads with this transportation plan? If so, please contact me. Hank Baij, Corps of Engineers.