Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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philip Griffin 11/19/2005 3:51:07 PM
To Whom it may concern; My wife and I fully support the proposed changes in the proposed Crow Creek Master Plan. The fact that Girdwood was stifled for so long with the lack of land for building houses has hurt Girdwood and it's citizenry. After living in Girdwood for 19 years and leaving in 2001, we can see that in hindsight, that Girdwood would be better with growth of quality housing and a more balanced population. Limiting the town to the existing substandard and limited housing quantity has lowered the standard of living for average working people who desire to live and work in Girdwood. The longer we lived in Girdwood, the more we saw a polarization of the population and the rift between the haves and the have nots. Without middle class housing in place, Girdwood could become an elitist town that shuns outsiders and newcomers. This would be a shame. Good luck in the process and count our votes as yes for Girdwood and Crow Creek. Phil and Janet Griffin