Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Jimi Hendrix 2/5/2006 12:47:23 AM
It's pretty weak, not being able to get more information about these cases on line. My only comment right now has to do with pedestrian safety. Build more pedestrian bridges. Make the bridges the coolest most irresistable bridges in the hemisphere for children in order to keep kids (and adults) from WANTING to cross streets at street level. Build them with stairs, ramps, slides and poles to slide down. Provide some interesting bicycle terrain on each side too, like berms and jumps and such. Anything to keep people away from the traffic. Never again should an on-demand, not-at-an-intersection, push-buttom cross walk be installed, like the one on east Northern Lights between Goose Lake and Bragaw. Those are hideously annoying and disrupt traffic in a big way.