Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Kathleen Weeks 3/21/2006 12:18:36 PM
How long must the developer support and maintaina functioning system? We learned with the landscaping credits that if there was no replacement or maintenance requirements that the landscape credit trees and shrubs were not watered and often died within a short time. Where are the standards which would assure the continued support and maintenance?
John Haxby 3/21/2006 11:11:03 AM
How many people leave their doors and windows open during the winter? None, of course, just like throwing money out the window paying to heat the outdoors. Here's the way it happens, give developers bonus points now, and it becomes a requirement later. This is not a good thing to have developers put things in public areas which require maintenance. It will become a real problem when the city or a utility breaks up the sidewalk to get at something underground and then who pays to fix it? Also, if leaks develop, then you may end up with a large water leak that nobody can find for a long time.
Wendy Leukuma 3/16/2006 9:33:07 AM
This is a good idea. We need heated sidewalks. If adopted, howver, the amendment should require private industry to be responsible for maintaining the sidewalks (i.e., if something malfunctions, they are responsible for fixing). If businesses are going to get any sort of credit or break, taxpayers should not pay for maintenance.
Clinton Hodges II 3/16/2006 6:42:15 AM
Let me see if I understand this...the taxpayer pays for heated sidewalks and the developer/contractor get bonus points for doing what they are paid to do, putting in heated sidewalks. Sorry, but I don't support this. Or, how-about-this, bonus points for paying property taxes? Now I like this idea.