Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Submitted comments will appear below after staff approval.
Scott Pexton 6/11/2006 7:27:28 AM
June 11, 2006 Thanks for the opportunity to submit public comments online. Really, more citizens ought to take advantage of these commenting opportunities and post what's on their mind because it is very theraputic, not to mention a constitutional right and obligation. Yo, the municipal website proclaims: "Late May: Planning Department will release an issue-response memorandum to respond to public comments received to date. The memo will include any recommended changes to the draft Plan Map in response to issues raised by the public." Moreover, the same web page says: "Comments on the public hearing draft Land Use Plan Map will be posted here as they are received." However, when a person clicks the "here" link from the municipal planning web page, they get exactly nowhere, as no comments were ever posted there. It is unclear whether the alleged "issue-response" memorandum was ever written or posted, but it surely isn't readily available to the public at the web location where one would expect to find it. This situation indicates at least one of the following conditions: - political stupidity - arrogance - incompetence - forgetfulness - obliviousness - secretive negotiations - a change of plans - someone doesn't want to post the comments - posting comments elsewhere to confuse matters - promising more than one can reasonably deliver - an oversight that seems to occur repeatedly - lack of appreciation for the public's input - decisions were made a long time ago, so who cares anyway what the public thinks? I have tried on numerous occassions to receive the "Staff Report" by clicking that there link (Case #2006-058), but the apparently massive file never swims it's way through cyperspace to be accessible to humble unpaid voting public recipients. Perhaps it works for those well-heeled rich kids with high-speed internet access, but for those older saber-rattling, riled up, bottom-dwelling slow pokes who occassionally listen to Frank Zappa tunes, the info just doesn't flow, dude. Here's a suggestion for the web gurus, PR genies, and executive smily faces out there in cyberville: If you are going to proclaim to do something on the taxpayers' municipal web pages, then do it, or suffur the consequences of a ticked off public. Comments anyone?
Susanne Comellas 5/3/2006 9:51:44 AM
The Elmore Road connection needs to be deleted. Elmore Rd at Rabbit Creek has been the sight of many fatal accidents as it is a long sweeping curve with poor sight distance. Making that connection will place high school drivers, residents and pedestrians at risk. There are no shoulders on Elmore, lots of children and with the straight line to the high school it will become even more dangerous to young drivers in a hurry. This is an area where context sensitive design, traffic calming and pedestrian safety need to be the priority. A pedestrian bridge across the creek would be ideal and have a beneficial impact instead of a road connection which will degrade the neighborhood by adding more speeding cars.
Kathleen Weeks 4/25/2006 5:55:18 PM
March16, 2006 RESOLUTION REGARDING ZONING MAP AND REQUESTED CHANGE At the March 16, 2006 meeting of South Addition Community Council, which was attended by more than 18 members and other non-members, the members passed by a vote of 12-1-0, a resolution asking the Municipality of Anchorage to change the two B-1A spot zoned areas at 14th and G Street and at 10th and M Street to R2-M which is the zoning of the other neighborhoods. The members of South Addition Community Council had debated this on several occasions and finally passed a motion opposing the spot zoning. Research into the tax assessments of these parcels suggests that they are undervalued because of their business use. The highest and best use for these lots would be as residential lots in a predominantly residential community. Spot zoning has reduced the taxability of the property to the Municipality of Anchorage and has reduced the value of the lots to the owners. Further the business use of the lot has resulted in neighborhood deterioration since currently there is excess trash and at least one abandoned vehicle at these business locations. This resolution asks the Planning and Zoning Department to amend the new Zoning maps so that these parcels become the same zoning category as all the surrounding lots namely RM-2. Changing these spot zone lots to NC will not improve either the community or the value of the lot.
Timothy Stevens 3/22/2006 3:58:55 PM
Mail Planning Department P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Re: Land Use Map The Huffman/O'Malley Community Council appreciates the opportunity to comment on an area of concern regarding the proposed land use map. Each of these maps shows the continuation of Elmore Road through to Rabbit Creek Road. As you are aware, the creation of South Anchorage High School in the middle of an established neighborhood has greatly increased area traffic. From Huffman to DeArmoun to the roundabout at the school entrance, bumper-to-bumper traffic occurs every school morning from 7:05 am to 7:45 am. Residents face difficulties leaving their driveways to start their morning commutes. School lunch hour starts at 10:20, and from 10:23 onward students rush to fast food outlets in the business and commercial areas. This is speeding traffic with little regard for road and weather conditions. Again residents face difficulties leaving their driveways, and plan their days and their venture to their mailboxes with this lunch schedule in mind. An additional problem is that this road is just wide enough and just flat enough to encourage speeding. Stop signs are routinely ignored, especially during lunch hours. We do understand that the ability of traffic enforcement in this area is limited. Pushing Elmore Road through to Rabbit Creek Road would only exacerbate this dangerous situation. Creating North-South connectivity will only encourage more through traffic into this residential area. Furthermore, the road itself does not have the capacity for any increase. A Elmore continuation would require two substantial and raised bridges over the creek and wetlands. It could not be done without a steep slope that would create it's own set of issues and major financial commitment. We do not support the continuation of Elmore Road in the Land Use Map, and hope that this revision will eliminate it's placement on the map. Sincerely, Timothy Stevens, President Huffman/O’Malley Community Council