Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Submitted comments will appear below after staff approval.
Cathy Gleason 9/22/2006 3:51:15 PM
Turnagain Community Council approved the following priority list for parks and road project for the Municipality of Anchorage Capital Project Funding Planned for 2007-2012 on June 1, 2006: MUNICIAPAL PARK PROJECT RANKING: 1. Coastal Trail Buffer/Greenbelt Acquisition — Acquire undeveloped land as it becomes available west of Lyn Ary Park to Earthquake Park for protected Coastal Trail greenbelt designation. 2. *Tony Knowles Coastal Trail Rehabilitation — Rehabilitate, through bio-engineering improvements, to address erosion/drainage and deterioration along the trail. 3. Lloyd Steele & Balto Seppala Parks — Construct footbridge over wetlands connecting the two parks. Construct multi-use trail that would surround and connect both parks, as per conceptual plan in park Master Plans from 1998. 4. Earthquake Park — Install low-level parking lot lighting and security cameras. Upgrade landscaping. 5. Lyn Ary Park — Redesign trail for better/safer access to Coastal Trail. Redesign sledding hill for better, safer use. Replace perimeter bollards. 6. Pt. Woronzof Park — The only capital improvement needed for this area is park signage along the Coastal Trail and Pt. Woronzof Road identifying park boundaries, so the public knows it is parkland, not airport land. (Please don’t confuse this with the Pt. Woronzof Overlook area.) *TCC Requests that the following PARK Project be ADDED to the TCC CIP List: *Coastal Trail Rehabilitation was listed on the Municipal CIP Web site, but was specific to the trail at Fish Creek and north of Westchester Lagoon. This project, which TCC is ranking #2, should expand in scope to other deteriorating parts of the trail. TCC Requests that the following PARK Projects be DELETED from the TCC CIP List: Huntington Park — This project is on the list provided by the Muni, but we could find no description of the project on the Muni Web site. The Northwest District Park Advisory Committee has looked at this park and has not identified any need for any capital improvement projects. We request that this be deleted from the TCC CIP list. Spenard Beach Park — This project is on the list provided by the Muni, but the Northwest District Park Advisory Committee has looked at this park and has not identified any needed major capital improvements. However, TCC would like to see lifeguards reinstated in the summer months at this historically popular swimming area. Margaret Sullivan Park/Westchester Lagoon — The proposed park improvement projects on the north side of Westchester Lagoon are in South Addition Community Council boundaries, so we request that this project be deleted from the TCC CIP list. However, we support the proposed projects, which include children’s playground equipment and upgrading the "pier" area on the north side. TCC Comments on Approved Legislative State Grants for the following PARK Project: Fish Creek Trail — Construct Fish Creek Trail from Northwood Drive north, connecting to existing trail at Spenard Road. This project is located in Spenard, but TCC supports it and would benefit from it. MUNICIPAL ROAD PROJECT RANKING: 1. Turnagain Street Upgrade – W. Northern Lights Boulevard to 35th Avenue — Upgrade to local street designation standards (NOT collector standards, as stated on the Muni Web site description for this project) using Context Sensitive Design. Curbs, drainage, pedestrian facilities on at least one side of road, and landscaping. Any design should be sensitive to property owner impacts. 2. Turnagain Area Traffic Calming and Safety Improvements — TCC supports and has actively participated in the Traffic Calming Study underway and supports implementation of projects identified under this program. 3. Turnagain Boulevard Upgrade – 35th Avenue to Spenard Road — Upgrade to local street designation standards (NOT collector standards, as stated on the Muni Web site description for this project) using Context Sensitive Design. Curbs, drainage, pedestrian facilities on east side of road to connect with trail through Fish Creek Park; if room, sidewalk on west side. Any design should be sensitive to property owner impacts. 4. West High/Romig Middle School Area Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Improvements — Project should include study and project implementation to address traffic and pedestrian safety improvements in the West/Romig area. 5. Turnagain Elementary Walkway – Halleys Comet Cir. To 32nd Ave. to McKenzie Dr. — This project is on the list provided by the Muni, but we could find no description of the project on the Muni Web site and we did not submit this project in the past. However, if a walkway is needed for safety reasons, we conceptually support the project, but request more details before project moves forward. 6. Milky Way Drive – Aero Avenue to Wisconsin Street — Rehabilitate existing pavement ONLY; no easement acquisition or utility work should be part of this project, as listed on the Muni Web site description of this project. 7. Lakeshore Dr. Extension/Upgrade – Aero Ave. to Wisconsin — This project is on the list provided by the Muni, but we could find no description of the project on the Muni Web site. TCC conceptually supports the project, pending more detailed information. (Please note: Aero Ave. does not extend down to Lakeshore Dr.; it stops at 36th Ave.) TCC has also learned the Heritage Land Bank has had discussions with Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport with regard to the airport acquiring the western portion of Lakeshore Dr. TCC requests more information on this proposal and how this CIP project would integrate with that potential airport acquisition. 8. Turnagain Parkway Surface Rehabilitation – Illiamna Ave. to Northern Lights Blvd. — This project is on the list provided by the Muni, but we could find no description of the project on the Muni Web site. This is a low priority for TCC. 9. Forest Park Dr. Traffic Calming – Hillcrest Dr. to Northern Lights Blvd. — Any traffic calming projects along this road may be very controversial; this is a low priority for TCC. 10. Fish Creek Improvements – Inlet to Lake Otis Pkwy. — TCC supports the phased, ongoing improvements along the creek to address drainage and water quality issues. TCC Withholds Ranking on the following ROAD Project on the TCC CIP List: Marston Dr./Foraker Dr. RID — Because of the uncertainty over this project scope, schedule and related costs due to geological considerations, TCC withholds ranking of this project. TCC Requests that the following ROAD Projects be DELETED from the TCC CIP List: 35th Avenue and McRae Street Upgrade – Wisconsin to Spenard — Due to the Municipality’s inability to implement the flexibility of Context Sensitive Design standards to minimize property owner impacts and instead insist on the current Collector design standards, which will unduly impact the neighborhood, TCC no longer supports this project and requests that it be deleted from the CIP list. (Formal motion to kill project passed at 6/1/06 TCC meeting.) Forest Park Dr. Upgrade – Hillcrest Dr. to Northern Lights Blvd. — Local residents have consistently opposed any major upgrades to this road. TCC has also passed a resolution opposing any reclassification of the road from a local designation to a collector designation in the OSH&P. TCC requests that this project be deleted from the CIP list. Northern Lights Boulevard Upgrade Phase IV – Postmark Drive to Nathaniel Court TCC has consistently requested the deletion of this project from the CIP list and we will continue to oppose any upgrade to this section of W. Northern Lights. Specifically, we oppose: 1) pedestrian amenities along the road, as the public is well served by the existing Earthquake Park Trail and Coastal Trail; 2) widening of existing lanes or shoulders or lane additions; 3) clearing of existing vegetation or filling of wetlands; and 4) upgrades to accommodate airport-generated traffic from Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport North Airpark and West Airpark onto WNL, which negatively impacts the Turnagain residential neighborhood. Point Woronzof Dr. Upgrade – Postmark Dr. to west end — TCC could find no specific project description for this project on the Muni Web site. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time this project has appeared on the TCC CIP list. TCC opposes any upgrade to this road and specifically opposes the same four items listed above. In addition, the bluff at Pt. Woronzof is experiencing a high rate of erosion, resulting in reduction of the land mass between the fenced-in area at the end of the North/South runway and the bluff. In order to protect the integrity of the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail (which has already had to be relocated inland in this area due to erosion), any removal of vegetation associated with an upgraded road project could accelerate the erosion and further jeopardize the trail. TCC requests this project be deleted from the CIP list. STATE ROAD PROJECT RANKING: 1. Hillcrest Off-Ramp – Minnesota Dr. to Hillcrest Dr. — TCC supports this project that includes rehabilitation of the existing pavement and safety improvements of the intersection of the ramp and Hillcrest Dr. TCC Withholds Ranking on the following STATE ROAD Project on the TCC CIP List: Minnesota Dr. Right Turn Lane onto westbound Northern Lights Blvd. — TCC understands this project is to be constructed this summer, so our ranking on this project would be moot. However, it was discussed at our 6/1/06 TCC meeting and many attendees expressed concern regarding a lane addition and the impacts it will have on pedestrian safety. TCC Requests that the following STATE ROAD Project be DELETED from the TCC CIP List: Minnesota Dr. Northbound Expansion – 16th Ave. to 26th Ave. — TCC is on record opposing this project and submitted comments September 26, 2005, during the Long-Range Transpiration Plan comment period. Following is a summary of those comments: Even though this proposed road project is not located within Turnagain Community Council boundaries, Turnagain residents use this road as their major thoroughfare to downtown from our neighborhood — impacts associated with this proposal would far outweigh any benefit. There is no demonstrated need for this additional lane; traffic flows relatively smoothly along this stretch of Minnesota, even during rush hour, except when road conditions during bad weather deteriorate, then it slows down. It seems that’s a good thing; bad road conditions should warrant a slow down, especially in that curved area at Westchester Lagoon. There is no readily available land to add a third lane from 26th Ave. to 16th Ave., so drastic, costly, and parkland-degrading measures would need to be taken to accommodate any widening of the road — let alone the addition of a sidewalk and pathway, as proposed in the project description. This proposal runs contrary to goals in the Long-Range Transportation Plan: "Develop an attractive and efficient transportation network that takes into account the cost of building, operating, and maintaining a system that considers the equity of all users, and the secondary costs associated with all other community values." And, "Balance the project purpose with landscaping and other aesthetic considerations." There’s already important buffering between a busy road and residential areas that would have to be removed to make room for another lane along this stretch of Minnesota Dr., and taking out natural parkland would certainly degrade the aesthetics of the area.