Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Edward Kornfield 12/5/2006 11:27:55 AM
Ref: Planning Dept Case # 2006-150 I arrived late and missed the meeting last night, but I’d like to make my views known. I'm concerned about the increase in noise for the neighborhoods located across Raspberry Road that would be created by building a hangar complex of this size. It wasn’t too long ago (and still occurs frequently today) where turbine powered airplanes were routinely running up at very high engine speeds for what seemed like hours. It is likely the result of maintenance being performed and even though the airport has a policy that all engine run-ups of that type during quiet hours are to be performed in a specific area on the North side of the airport, there does not appear to be consistency with enforcing the policy. In fact, the impression I get is that compliance is voluntary for the smaller airplanes. A few years ago, as the results of expansion plans for the South Airpark, the airport indiscriminately clear cut many of the trees that helped reduce the noise for the surrounding residential neighborhoods. It also became an eyesore to those of us that live there. This was done without any advance notice and took the respective neighborhoods by surprise. Then, what appeared to be a feeble attempt to correct the mistake, a few small young trees were re-planted. More trees were promised but never materialized. With the dissatisfaction of the residents, the airport covered the chain link fence bordering Raspberry Road with a green tarp in what seemed like an effort to hide the reality of the situation. The tarp is still there today. The airport has not shown a sense of responsibility towards the community by permanently replacing the sound barriers. There is no reason to believe they will show any more respect for the community if given the opportunity to develop these types of hangar complexes without a good enforceable policy to address the increase in noise issues. It states in the proposal that there will be no significant maintenance performed at the new hangars. Is this an attempt to get ones foot in the door and then lobby for a change in policy directly from the airport without any representation from the community? It’s hard for me to have trust that the airport won’t someday change the policy to cater to tenants with the means to afford to house their airplanes in the proposed hangar complex and disregard the community that surrounds it. I can see a constant battle. If this development is to continue, I see an obligation for the Municipality to ensure safeguards are put in place in the form of enforceable regulations that will guarantee the noise issue will be addressed properly far into the future. I would also like to see the airport be required to take the responsibility for developing their property in a manner that keeps or enhances the beauty of our neighborhoods not detracts from them.