Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Bradley Richie 3/13/2007 5:00:57 AM
Although a strong supporter of compatible improvements to Kincaid Park, I do not believe soccer fields are an appropriate addition. While it is suggested that the fields will be constructed in previoulsy disturbed areas, it does not appear that the existing grades are very conducive to large athletic fields. It looks like a large amount of fill will be required to level the proposed sites. I do not think that will result in an appropriate aesthetic for the natural terrain that now exists. I also question that practicality of developing the soccer fields in an area with such a large moose population. I believe it will be difficult to construct and maintain safe fields. I believe the natural turf fields will be pock mocked with moose prints, particularly if the fields are irrigated. Although the soccer fields have been apparently been approved conceptually, it is not too late to scale the project back. I believe the soccer field additions will adversely affect one of Anchorage's premier assets, will be expensive to construct and maintain and will not result in a quality venue for soccer events.
Bradley Richie 3/12/2007 8:48:38 PM
While a strong supporter of appropriate improvements at Kincaid Park, I cannot extend that support to the proposed soccer fields. I do not believe that soccer fields are compataible with the more natural characteristics of Kincaid Park. Although it is suggested that the proposed soccer field locations are in previously disturbed areas, they do not appear to be in areas with appropriate grades for athletic fields. It appears substantial grading (cut and fill)will be necessary to develop the fields. This will significantly alter the natural feel of the area. I also question how natural turf soccer fields can be adequately constructed and maintained with the abundance of moose in the area. I believe the fields wil be constantly pock marked by moose tracks, particularly if they are intended to be irrigated fields. I believe the development of soccer fields in Kincaid Park will be expensive, adversely affect the aesthetics of a premier Anchorage asset, be difficult to maintain and ultimately not serve the soccer community needs.