Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Submitted comments will appear below after staff approval.
Clinton R Hodges II 6/29/2007 11:21:22 AM
I can't support this ordinance. For starters it can't pass the red face test. Assemblyman Bauer, co-sponsor, didn't introduce this to the NECC or to its Title 21 Committee. It lacks proper citizen discussion and participation. Bauer needs to explain why there appears to be an attempt to keep this under the radar. This proposed ordinance attempts to circumvent the requirements of the 2020 Plan. Additionally, the time for this ordinance isn't now. It should be deferred to such a time that the Title 21 Rewrite takes up the issue(s) giving rise to this proposal.
Edward Mjolsnes 5/30/2007 5:35:30 PM
Single family residential construction in a Land Use Permit area should be exempt from the public use easement improvement. The requirement for a single family residential owner to grant and pay for a public use easement is a "taking of property" and the owner should not be subject to this unjust loss of private property. Requirments for the protection of adjacent property from damage or forseeable physical harm is rightly within the authority of the Municipal Engineer. All other concerns for construction of a single family residence are already covered in other section of Title 21
Dianne Holmes 2/22/2007 7:51:56 PM
Title 21 is in the process of being rewritten and this amendment should wait to be included in that process if it merits any change at all. This amendment would be a total change from current procedure and would put the burden upon the MOA to determine improvements. The intent of the maker(s) and those behind this amendment clearly want to avoid good design and development standards for Anchorage. This amendment is a step backwards to citizens' attempts to make Anchorage a livable city.