Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Steven Ellis 2/16/2007 5:44:07 PM
I can't believe someone is ignorant enough to propose eliminating the role of the Urban design Commision (UDC). The P&Z Commission is already busy doing their job. They can't and most likey don't want to take over the functions of the UDC. Who is lobbying the Assembly for this change in AMC 21? What is their motive? I thought this community and our elected officials were growing up, desiring better architectural designs and amenities. We are supposed to be past the days of the ugly big box stores and horrible signs. Maybe not? The words quaint and rustic are just euphemisms for old, rundown and dumpy. I want, no, I expect my city to have more self-respect and insure we look good to the world. Why would you eliminate the one commision who's sole purpose is to make Anchorage look great.