Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Leonard Lamb 3/18/2007 2:51:49 AM
I agree with Mikal Hendee. No problem with vehicles entering neighborhoods in the course of business. However, you know that if you aren't careful in what you do here that one day you will be dealing with large-obnoxious-vehicle signs, parked over night in neighborhoods, day after day after day and no recourse. Sad that you have to regulate this sort of thing but in the interest of neighborhood harmony it is necesary.
Mikal Hendee 2/22/2007 6:08:14 PM
I don't have a problem with people driving their vehicles with business logos into their residential neighborhoods, however, I would like to see some criteria for the logos regarding size, brightness, etc. so that people cannot find a loophole and install large obnoxious "logos" on sheets of plywood in the back or on the sides of their pickup trucks or utility vans, etc.