Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Vesta Elliott 4/7/2007 6:19:21 AM
I have been wanting to bicycle to & frojm work but am unable to because of no bikepayhs or sidewalks on main streets in Midtown! This is ridiculous. I hope the muni gets it together for those of us wanting to be eco-friendly.
Mike Hendee 3/2/2007 8:35:38 AM
I am happy to see that AMATS has decided to include pedestrians in the transportation plan. Please include bicycles and skiers as well. Walking, bicycling, and skiing are forms of transportation not just recreation, and usage will increase as gas prices increase. What is needed is infrastructure that separates alternative forms of transportation from high speed vehicles.
Deborah Mole 3/1/2007 8:45:01 PM
I agree with Kirsten's comments.
Kirsten Ballard 3/1/2007 12:25:22 PM
I haven't seen the plan, but, am pleased to find out that the Muni is considering one. Be sure to include bikes and, for winter, multi-use, especially skijoring. More connectors, and better north-south routes are needed, with ramped overpasses preferred to tunnels (lack of snow, filth & crime). In addition, all new subdivisions/developments, and any changes to old ones, need to include sidewalks.