Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Barbara Bowers 6/17/2007 12:39:19 PM
From what I NOW understand --- this land swap is going to happen and deVelopment will be taking place. SO ... please respect the trail system already in place, which has been there since the 60's, if not earlier. The "Joe Danish Trail" runs along the ridge above Glacier Creek on the east side, which is behind the proposed development. At least I think this is the area YOU are talking about, I am a little confused! Joe Danish established this trail by notching the trees all the way from Glacier Creek Bridge down to the Railroad tracks. I walk this trail in fall, spring, and winter when not enough snow to ski. It stays high on ridge above creek until reaches flat area north of where Virgin Creek empties into Glacier Creek. Then stays in the trees until reaches railroad tracks. I started using this trail in the 70's, but know people who have used this trial in the 60's. Not sure when originally put in, but know Joe Danish was a Girdwood "old timer" when I moved here to Girdwood in 1974. THANK you FoR pRESERVING GIRDWOOD HISTORY!!!! Barbara Bowers. P.S. BE SURE TO LEAVE PARK STRIP OR GREEN BELT TO REACH GLACIER CREEK!!!!! The more the better; kids need to play somewhere other then in the streets!!!
Laura Bowen 5/26/2007 5:07:58 PM
This is what was on the notice I received in the mail from the muni: "A request to rezone approximately 10.3 acres from GCR-1 and GOS to GR-2, from GR-2 and GOS to entirely GOS, and from GOS to GR-4. Alpine View Estates Phase 2, Tract B and T10N R2E Section 17 S.M., AK Tract 17C. Located south of the Alyeska Highway and west of Timberline Drive." Huh? I can tell that there is a request for THREE different zone changes, but that's it. There isn't enough information on the map that was provided with the notice to figure out what and where the zone changes are located. Each of the three proposed zone changes should have had its own map. By doing so a property owner would know exactly what the proposed change was and if it would impact their property. The muni's notice is inadequate. The muni should either prepare one map that explains the three different zone requests, or prepare three different maps for each requested zone change. How can property owners prepare for the upcoming hearing on June 4th when they don't know what it is that is being requested? Open government = Good Ambushes = Bad Laura Bowen
Barbara Bowers 5/22/2007 9:37:50 AM
MY 2ND COMMENT: After further studying of information sent in the mail and talking with the MOA zoning department for clarification, I am STRONGLY AGAINST THE REZONE REQUEST. How could anyone possibly request land designated GOS (open space) be changed to GR-4 which I believe is high density!!!!! The area referred would highly impact everyone living and even driving on adjacent roads. I am appalled by just the request As I stated before, the light, noise, traffic, pollution -- and then the visual impact would be ghastly. PLEASE DO NOT EVEN CONSIDER THIS REQUEST. GR-4 is zoned for over on the corner close to the Alyeska Highway. I am assuming the ground is better suited for that sort of structure, and the land around could support the high traffic (people and vehicles) this high density housing would bring. LEAVE IT THERE. The fragile nature of the meadow cannot handle the proposed rezone. The meadow would be trampled down to muck. I realize fill is hauled in to develop structures. The structures then require pumps in the crawl spaces which run winter, fall, spring and summer in attempt to keep the land which it is sitting on dry. (This is the situation of the new single houses put in by the developer along Alpina Way a couple years ago.) And with high density, what isn't developed would be ruined by increased population. For example: I was the only person walking thru the meadow requested for rezone from 1980 thru 2005! I discovered the trail I walked eventually turned into a 6" deep trench filled with muck! And that was with just one person walking thru. High density housing will destroy the land. WE NEED TO MAINTAIN OPEN SPACE FOR THE ENJOYMENT OF ALL THOSE LIVING HERE. Big, fancy houses are put in and then developers want to use up every bit of land to make more money. What about the people who moved here for the life style, those who want to enjoy nature -- and then it is all gone because nature is totally developed! Open spaces are needed to walk thru and just to give people a little SPACE around them! HELP US MAINTAIN OUR HIGH QUALITY OF LIFE HERE IN GIRDWOOD. This would have a great negative impact on all of us already living here. I am not against REASONABLE development. It appears the rezone request is unreasonable. Thank you for your time -- Barbara Bowers 432 Timberline Drive, Girdwood. P.S. If the other people in the neighborhood aren't replying, it's because the flier is so confusing they don't realize what the developer hopes to hit them with.
Barbara Bowers 5/17/2007 6:52:01 PM
I can't tell exactly what is proposed for where, but we need to preserve our OPEN SPACE (believe that is GOS) for the many young and old kids to get out and enjoy life! The "petitioned area" is home to many animals. In the spring this area provides a quiet and safe place for moose calf to be born and spend their first few weeks of life. Later in the summer this area is a bear corridor. Year-round it is home to rabbits, squirrel, porcupine along with an occasional lynx moving through. Please help preserve our quality of life in Girdwood! I strongly believe multi-family units should be limited due to excessive trash, noise, traffic, light pollution, etc. which would be generated. I strongly disagree with adding more multi-family zoning just so developers can make more money!!!! It isn't fair to present home owners who brought their property thinking their neighborhood would be developed a certain way, only to have the "rug pulled out from under them" by re-zoning to a less desirable status (higher density). As I said, from the information given me I cannot tell exactly what the developer is asking for. I urge you to keep the population density as low as possible in order to preserve our high quality of life in Girdwood, and protect the wildlife habitat for all to enjoy for years to come. Thank you for your time. Barbara Bowers, 432 Timberline Drive, Girdwood (Lot 1,Block 13,Alyeska Basin Unit #3)