Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Submitted comments will appear below after staff approval.
Joanne Blackbur 4/12/2008 9:08:09 PM
This is another extraneous attempt to usurp the current system that allows reasonable improvements to meet minimum safety codes as adopted by the State of Alaska. Why exactly should there be yet another layer of power mongering to keep a property owner from making acceptable reasonable improvements to his/her property. This idea needs to be tabled right away. Thank you for this opportunity to comment. The current system for review is satisfactory for all purposes here. This idea is determined to take power away from duly constituted community councils who may comment on such activities and uses in their areas. There comments as submitted now are sufficient in this arena.
Chugiak Community Council, Linda Kovac, Sec-Treas 9/26/2007 1:39:28 PM
At the 09/20/07 Chugiak Community Council (“Council”) meeting, the Council discussed Case No. 2007-135. This case is an ordinance amending Anchorage Municipal Code Sections 21.10.028, 21.15.015, and 21.15.030 to give site plan authority over certain developments to the Urban Design Commission. The case shall next go before the Assembly but, as of this writing, no hearing or meeting date has been set. The Council passed a motion to recommend that there be no expansion of the duties of the Urban Design Commission (16 in favor, 1 opposed).