Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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We are sorry but no more comments are being taken for this case
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Submitted comments will appear below after staff approval.
Bob French 12/28/2007 8:59:12 AM
Please have the project information updated on the Muni Website. The telephone number listed on the <> is incorrect. I would recommend that the public meeting be postponed. I am also requesting that all Community Councils be provided a copy of the proposed Plan at least a month ahead of the public meeting. It is ridiculous to have the Staff Report available one week prior to the public meeting date, yet to require that Community Council’s submit their comments 10 days prior to the public meeting date. How can we comment if we don’t know what the plan is, or what the Staff Report says? As a member of the Government Hill Community Council where we participated in Context Sensitive Solutions meetings with FHWA staff related to KABATA and the Knik Arm Bridge, we have not had positive experiences with the CSS process. Perhaps that is more the fault of an agency going through the motions rather than actually listening to, and acting upon the input of the public. Bob French
Paul Jendryk 12/20/2007 4:04:11 PM
I will be gone from 12/21/07 through 1/8/07. Could the comments periord be extended? Thanks.
Janel Walton 12/18/2007 8:09:21 PM
I would like to formally request that the CSS hearing on Jan. 14, 2007 be reschedule for February due to the fact that community council comments are due 10 days prior to the hearing, and the Government Hill Comm. Council did not meet for December and will not meet again until the three Thursday of January. Further, many members of the community are extremely busy during the holiday season, or they are out of town. Please extend this hearing date to February. Thank you.
Melinda Gant 12/17/2007 12:05:05 PM
Please extend the due date on comments until January 31, 2008. The plan has not been attached for those that want to review and I understand that it should be forthcoming. The GHCC will not be meeting in December, due to the holidays and their next meeting is not scheduled until January 18, 2008. Considering the holiday and council timing, I would formally request an extension for those to respond to this plan.