Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Joanne Blackburn 4/12/2008 9:46:33 PM
It might be appropriate to ask if this activity should be taking place in new facilities anywhere at all within the city limits. It's possible to build such facilities well outside city limits under state regulations and contracts arranged for agency trainings. It's NOT necessary to add these activities within the current city limits at all; let alone prespare specifications for same. The noise, fumes, would devalue the existing neighborhoods and commercial activities as well as recreational pursuits proximate to such new facilities. A civil solution would be to ask the state to build these facilities outside of Anchorage. That seems the reasonable solution to me.
Joanne Blackburn 4/12/2008 9:46:12 PM
It might be appropriate to ask if this activity should be taking place in new facilities anywhere at all within the city limits. It's possible to build such facilities well outside city limits under state regulations and contracts arranged for agency trainings. It's NOT necessary to add these activities within the current city limits at all; let alone prespare specifications for same. The noise, fumes, would devalue the existing neighborhoods and commercial activities as well as recreational pursuits proximate to such new facilities. A civil solution would be to ask the state to build these facilities outside of Anchorage. That seems the reasonable solution to me.
Paul Benson 4/3/2008 2:38:55 PM
I see this amendment will have little to no impact on the behaviors of those who would shoot of there guns wherever they can get away with it. This point is a red herring. Whatever the needs are for additional training facilities and shooting ranges may be, for me this issue boils down to how it affects people who own property or run a business in an area to be impacted by this change. Once a shooting range is in place I agree that those moving into the area would have little grounds for complaint but this is not the issue. This amendment to my eyes poses a threat to the quality of life and land values for residents and profitability of businesses in areas protected from these facilities under current code. I support and respect the needs of local law enforcement personnel and hope that a better solution is found to their training needs. I would encourage citizens to get behind the department by funding adequate indoor facilities that support raining and respect surrounding neighborhoods.
John Wesley 3/22/2008 12:06:01 PM
If you purchased your property or home after the range was operational, You have no cause to complain. Without the range, Anchorage residents will fire thier weapons where they can get away with it. At least this way we have standards in place for safe weapons discharge.
Steven Ellis 2/22/2008 11:01:16 AM
I live approximately 2.9 miles from the Birchwood Shooting Range. I can hear the gunfire from my home. Strict standards for off site impacts for noise must be adopted in this ordinance. I often wonder how the people who live closer to the range feel about the noise. People can adapt and adjust to many inconveniences, but they shouldn't have to in their own homes.
Steven Ellis 2/22/2008 10:54:56 AM
The CU standards must include limits for off site impacts for noise. I live approximately 2.9 miles from the Birchwood shooting range and I can hear the gunfire. How do the people who live much closer to the range feel about the noise. People can adapt and adjust to many inconvenience, but they shouldn't have to in their own homes.
Steven Ellis 2/22/2008 10:54:37 AM
The CU standards must include limits for off site impacts for noise. I live approximately 2.9 miles from the Birchwood shooting range and I can hear the gunfire. How do the people who live much closer to the range feel about the noise. People can adapt and adjust to many inconvenience, but they shouldn't have to in their own homes.