Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Ann Rappoport 3/1/2008 4:14:27 PM
The Anchorage Fish and Wildlife Field Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has been pleased to work with the Municipality and a variety of other federal, state, and local agencies and interest groups on the Muni's Watershed Task Force. That group has been instrumental in identifying habitat restoration and fish passage needs, conservation opportunities, and other projects to restore and conserve the fish, water quality, and other values of Little Campbell Creek and it's watershed. The Fish and Wildlife Service supports the Little Campbell Creek Watershed Plan as a member of the Municipality's Watershed Task Force. We provided technical assistance during plan development. Implementation of the Plan will significantly improve water quality and salmon habitat in the LCC Watershed. We recommend the plan include a requirement that it be reviewed and updated every 5 years so that it remains relevant. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Ann Rappoport, Field Supervisor Anchorage Fish and Wildlife Field Office