Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Kyle Murphy 4/28/2009 8:29:16 PM
This would be a wonderful amendment to title 21! Empowerment of our citizens to make a choice. I hope this gets positive consideration. Wind power can be safe, unobtrusive, and a provide a positive step towards responsible generation on the personal level.
Glenda Smith 4/2/2009 7:45:29 PM
I think the assembly should rewrite city code in such a manner to allow and encourage residents to utilize wind, solar, and geothermal energy to any extent possible. With the development of helical shaped wind turbines, the threat to birds and of noise is becoming a nonissue. Some small rooftop varieties would require more than one to make any difference in energy available to the resident off the grid, so I do not believe homes should be restricted to one unit. Besides reducing CO2 production and reducing dependence on fossil fuels, perhaps more residents could afford to be warm -- something I could not allow myself when Enstar invoked the 300% fuel surchange on my recent bills. I would encourage every assembly member to check out the product at this link. This unit is not in commercial production yet but is estimated to cost about $60 when it is. Thank you.
Joanne Blackburn 2/15/2009 9:07:32 PM
Urge a no vote. These blades will chop up birds in ecologically important bird areas. Absolutely should not be allowed in R11 in Turnagain or any other area.
Robert Gill 9/26/2008 12:01:57 AM
Wind power is the best way to wean our dependence on foreign oil and build our economy at the same time. ANWR drilling, Natural gas, and conservation are all important, but we should make wind energy the next Manhattan project. If we could have 30% of our power generated by wind in the next 10 years, we can minimize the influence of oil despots such as Hugo Chavez, the Nehru jacket creep in Iraq and the host of others who use oil as a weapon to maintain power. Reasonable regulations allowing wind power on large lots for example an acre that would allow us to sell power back to our local ulility would be welcome. If feasible and economic, I would like to be the first in the Southfork of Eagle River to have a wind generator in my back yard. The price of electricity, natural gas and oil will not go down in the future. If we wish to maintain our sovereignty, and economic way of life, then wind power must be part of the mix. Respectfully submitted, Bob Gill
Denis Aubut 9/8/2008 12:53:36 PM
The use of wind power at higher elevations can be a very worthwhile investment. To be able to reduce your electric bill by almost 90% with the use of wind power is amazing. I hope this ammendment passes and they allow the use of wind towers for alternative energy reasons.
Al Mitchell 8/6/2008 10:25:24 PM
If this modification of Title 21 allows for the construction of towers to be used for mounting wind energy systems, I'm all for it. The municipality should not be preventing residents from exploring and installing alternative energy systems such as wind systems that utilize towers. It is my understanding that Title 21 does not allow for such towers at this time.