Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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William Redmond 2/13/2009 7:48:35 PM
First of all I think the new TMU zoning is a great idea and its about time. It certainly was different 40 or 50 years ago when the only place people built was along the Hwy.. But the Seward hwy has become so busy and noisy that it is completely undesirable to live next too and to commit property owners to residential along the hwy is just unfair. I think it would be a great idea to give every lot owner that fronts the highway the TMU option. Questions and concerns I have with the TMU zoning is I didn't see any specifics about the actual limitations of the TMU zoning other than it is intended for recreational orientated commercial uses and not for large commercial developments such as strip malls. And as a the lady from Portage testified at the 2-12-09 meeting why are we being regulated to only recreational use. I mean people do live there and we're not just a recreation destination for people from Anchorage. And this goes for the commercial development as well. Why not just come up with some size restrictions as far as buildings and lots size before they have to apply for a conditional use and scratch the emphasizes on recreation? Another question/view that I have is concerning industrial zoning. while industrial uses may be frowned upon, they are certainly necessary for the development of communities. It hard to develop a community without the guy who has the backhoes and gravel trucks to call to have your lot developed. Why can't we make exception for industrial areas in the communities within the plan areas similar to Girdwoods industrial site. And not just as government run entities either. Again, certainly there could be limitation and size restrictions on the industrial uses allowed and any large development would require a person to apply for a conditional use. This would allow for small equipment operators and other small industrial operation to exist that are necessary to the development of any community. On a personal issues that affect my sister in-law, Debbie Redmond who has given me the authority to speak for her on this matter. She owns a lot in Portage, MOA Tax Parcel ID: 090-231-01-000 that is currently zoned, public land institutional (PLI). She is requesting that it be rezoned TMU as prior to the 1964 earthquake it was a commercial/industrial garage business her father William Glasshoff owned and operated as the "portage Garage" The lot is not shown on the draft comp plan but is located within US Survey 2882, a special study are in the plan. I would also like to make a request that the street (A Street) located between US Survey 2882 and US Survey 12192 be preserved and be renamed "Glasshoff Street" in honor of William Glasshoff, a Portage pioneer who was the original owner/builder of the "Portage Garage" which is the remains of the last building currently still standing from the pre earthquake, 1964 Portage townsite. Also there is another road called "First Avenue" that fronts Survey 2882. It would be nice if this Avenue could also be preserved and I would request that it be renamed Goodpastor Avenue in recognition of William Goodpastor who was a long time resident of pre-earthquake Portage and was known as the unofficial Mayor of Portage. Immediately after the 1964 earthquake happened, Mr. Goodpastor took control and was instrumental in getting everyone in Portage to safety. Very few people know his story or the actual story of the Portage residents and what they went through following the earthquake. Most residents of Portage moved to Indian Valley and Goodpastor became the unofficial mayor of Indian. It would be a shame to not preserve some of the history of those people and the old town of Portage. Thank you for your considerations William Redmond