Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Paul Benson 2/2/2009 11:00:01 AM
The site at 730 Gambell street would be a good selection for the city and the community of Fairview. I support the location of DHHS as a Fairview resident because it would help local businesses thrive and add to local property values. This facility would help promote our community plan, and add strength to the vitality of east downtown as well. As a resident of Anchorage I support this site because it would be one step towards transforming the charactor of a part of Anchorage which is so visible to anyone who lives here and to the thousands whom visit Alaska every year.
Allen Kemplen 1/26/2009 8:44:15 PM
While all the sites have merit, I would encourage the City to select the site at 730 Gambell Street. The Fairview Community has worked hard to develop a strategy for revitalization of the eastern section of the urban core. Converting Gambell Street into a Main Street after the Highway to Highway project removes the regional trips is a main component of this strategy. A Main Street Workshop was held in November 2008 where businesses and property owners along the corridor developed a vision of pedestrian scaled development and mixed-use development. A missing piece is an employment anchor for the northern section of Gambell Street. The relocated H&HS facility would provide this important revitalization anchor. It would result in a significant increase in adjacent property values, provide important customers for local restaurants and businesses and support the Anchorage 2020 goal of a stronger, more vibrant urban center. Please consider in your deliberations how your site decision could make a huge and positive impact toward revitalization of the Fairview neighborhood.
Lottie Michael 1/21/2009 1:46:56 PM
When was a request for potential site locations for HS&S first published? There are many sites that may be of interest that are not included in the 5 listed.