Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Joanne Blackburn 1/26/2010 5:17:50 AM
Signage is in part economic speech. It is also necessary speech to alert passersby to the neighborhood and a means by which a neighborhood may communicate among its members. There are those who are well meaning and desire to squelch all such necessary economic speech without a predicate of agency filtering which is outside the expectation of business and constitutional right of freedom of speech. We are not unaware of this imposition of agency will attacking our freedoms of speech. Whereas, some areas of Anchorage are not over-built but are in fact in destroyed condition such as the Twenty-Mile, Portage Valley area. We need to recognise the relative authorities of the PVCC Community Council within these destroyed areas to formalize their authority to speak public economic messages in contexts PVCC recognizes rather than having those who live in overbuilt overpopulated dense other neighborhoods of Anchorage dictating and thus squelching all necessary economic speech. The PVCC approval should be all that is needed and encoded into Title 21 for the PVCC rather than allowing personalities far removed from our economic realities to "dictate" how we enunciate our economic messages and neighborhood identity. Thank you for this opportunity to comment.