Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Joanne Blackburn 3/1/2011 5:02:30 AM
Please vote against this. This is merely an effort to disallow private property needs within the largest city in the state Alaska. Anchorage is an incorporated city wherein a group of people are living together in support of common private property needs. All residents need parking in Anchorage especially on the outskirts. Those who live within internal, developed subdivisions must still respect the equal bonafide needs of those on the outskirts of Anchorage.
Joanne Blackburn 1/6/2010 6:59:03 AM
The Portage Valley Community Council has not held a meeting for over a year. I have requested and agitated for a meeting within the parameters of the FCC and have been rebuffed for all practical purposes in receiving effective meeting organization assistance to hold the series of meetings needed to comment upon these proposed changes designed I believe with PVCC property owners particularly in mind and which may impact particularly our enjoyments and economic planning needs for our properties. Since this the case, the changes are designed to exclude all our comments while formalizing the changes. The net result is to further weaken our neighborhood, and delimit our opportunities to participate within the planning process while disallowing an articulating our physical planning needs in our neighborhood - which opportunities are available to all other community councils. I protest. Until and unless the FCC actually pulls together a meeting for the Portage Valley Community Council we are formally treated as though we don't exist. We do exist. Thank you for supporting the PVCC rights to be neighborhood within Anchorage city limits.