Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Dixie Waddell 7/12/2010 3:14:30 PM
As I am unable to attend the meeting tonight, I would like to express some views. 1. I feel this process has been conducted in a completely fair manner with consideration for all interested parties. 2, I hope the efforts of the Chugiak dog Mushers over a period of many years will continue to be recognized and respected. Thank you for this opportunity. Dixie Waddell
Evelyn Chase 7/1/2010 12:31:15 PM
R6 and R9 property We find this proposal to be outrageous! The municipality is imposing on our rights as property owners~when we purchased this property on Scenic Drive we took a loan out for the 2.5 acres and so you basically have indebted us to an innappropiate amount of dollars, needless to say the amount of taxes we have paid and will continue to pay regardless of the land square footage we will actually end up owning if this proposal goes through.This may make it easier for the government of our city, but makes it more difficut for us who own the property. We have three roads that go around our lot and this will limit our land ownership. This is so unfair and really in my opinion breaches our own contract with the bank...If this passes than I believe new proposals need to be put in place for the taxes on our property.