Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Submitted comments will appear below after staff approval.
Marc Grober 9/8/2010 3:25:38 PM
Wouldn't it be nice if the CIP and CIB were posted on the web and the link to those documents provided here as well as circulated to all Community Councils sufficiently in advance of the council's meetings so that the entire community could actually intelligently comment on them? The record date for at least one council has already passed (meaning that because of the delay in providing the documents in questions the Council by its bylaws is precluded from action on same in advance of the hearing.
Lori Davey 9/8/2010 11:23:16 AM
Need to fund the remainder of Bluebell intersection improvements $1 Million. Vetoed by Gov in 2010 Need to fund intersection improvements at Rabbit Creek and Mtn Air for completion of road connection. $1.4 million. Need to fund Goldenview Upgrade $8 million + ARDSA match. Vetoed by Gov in 2010 Need to fund Hillside District Plan Roads, Drainage, and Trails.