Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Submitted comments will appear below after staff approval.
Jose Vicente 1/11/2011 10:05:42 AM
A. Fees associated with preliminary plats are extremely high. Those fees should be much lower, and probably higher fees should be imposed on final plats. I am affraid that the high preliminary plat fees are preventing people from submitting preliminary plats for approval, and the staff work load is being artificially reduced. And as result so do MOA revenues from fees. The higher fees associated with the final plats would allow the subdividers to include that amount in the financing loan applications. Many property owners can't afford the present preliminary plat fees. B. There was a time when MOA required subdividers to meet with staff to discuss proposed projects prior to filing preliminary plats. This system is used in other communities outside Alaska. As a result a high degree of understanding would come out of those meetings addressing what a subdivider would have to provide to have the full support of the staff at the Platting Board meetings. Unfortunately, that does not happen anymore. And it has become a lotery wheather or not a preliminary plat will get staff full support at the Platting Boad meetings.