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Theresa Daily 8/16/2013 2:18:40 PM
How can changes like this be made without at the very least community council advice and input? No public testimony? Is this not our lands and community to develop or are a few making decisions for us?
Andrew Brewer 7/13/2011 9:05:32 PM
Comments on Chapter 10, Title 21 The question facing Chugiak-Eagle River (C-ER) is how will our vacant lands be developed. As part of the CAC (Citizens Advisory Committee) I worked on the update to the C-ER Comprehensive Plan. At that time the Planning Department made it clear that they were in favor of Compact Development and closed out our session showing us pictures of just what they had in mind. We have now seen this style of development in Eagle River Valley with Eagle Crossing and Eagle’s Loft. Clear cutting and housing packed close together are to be the norm. The document set before us does nothing to ameliorate, modify, or deflect what developers call the “highest and best use” of our vacant lands. And while the Comprehensive plan calls for development that is compatible with and consistent with the existing community, we will see neither with the adoption of Chapter 10. The Municipal Planning Department has made sure of that. In fact this document does nothing to protect the existing community, which was developed with large residential lots as the model. The Code calls R-1A lots of 8400 square feet “large”, while the norm for most areas was R-6 with 1 ¼ acres being the norm. We are told that they will try to retain 30% of the existing R-6 lots. This is ridiculous ! Why shouldn’t we have an increase of 30% in R-6 residential lots ? They talk about diversity in housing. Is there anything diverse in these homogenous, cramped, developments ? They’re little better than transient camps. People live there with the intent of getting out ! It’s clear that developers should not build housing developments. Let them plat subdivisions and bring in utilities, but leave the construction up to the buyers and owners of each lot. And let these lots be 12,000 sq. feet and better. People do not want to live cramped together. They will if they have to, but they don’t like it ! So don’t do it ! We want to preserve our existing communities as they are developed. This means compatibility with what’s already here. There is nothing in Chapter 10 that requires diversity, large lots, or consistency with what already exists. This document will over-crowd our area with housing that is not desirable to its residents or the greater community. Despite the good intentions of a few, it is truly a shame that the process has forged such a document. Andrew Brewer South Fork CC