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Lewis Leonard 3/23/2012 3:14:32 PM
The following text in its entirety was adopted as a resolution by the Girdwood Land Use Committee of October 10, 2011 and the Girdwood Board of Supervisors in its meeting of October 17, 2011: Girdwood Land Use Committee meeting of Monday October 10, 2011 Girdwood Park Resolution, Intent, and Background Information Written and Submitted to the Girdwood Board of Supervisors by Lewis Leonard , Co-Chair Girdwood South Townsite Committee October 17, 2011 The Girdwood Land Use Committee met on Monday October 10, 2011 and considered Agenda Item LUC 1110-03: South Girdwood Townsite Advisory Committee Resolution and took action on a motion for non-objection to GBOS. Item A is the Girdwood Park resolution which was passed with no objections. The Girdwood South Townsite committee met on Tuesday September 13th, 2011 for discussion of Girdwood Park zoning in the South Townsite. There were 5 members present who passed this resolution unanimously, and subsequently approved by the four members not present. Following is the Girdwood Park Resolution, with intent and background information on the issue. Girdwood Park Resolution: The entirety of the dedicated Girdwood Park area shall be kept as park land and not parceled off for redistribution or land trade. Also the entirety of the dedicated Girdwood Park area shall be zoned GIP (Girdwood Institutions and Parks), removing the GC5 zone and replacing it with GIP. Intent of the Girdwood Park resolution: In response to MOA Director of Community Development Jerry Weaver's letter of January 18, 2011, we choose option 1: Rezone the eastern third of Tract A-1 to GIP (Girdwood Institutions and Parks). As stated in Municipal zoning ordinance paragraph b) of 21.09.040.F4, “The GIP district is intended to include areas of public and quasi-public institutional uses and activities.” There is historically and currently this mixed use of Girdwood Park and it is desired to support these and future community organizations' use of this land. This area is the social capital of the citizens of Girdwood; it and the surrounding lands contain the physical capital that gives us a sense of 'home'. It is currently used by the Girdwood Community Club, an institution formed in 1948, which for decades laid the groundwork for the village we know today and continues it's community service. It is also used by Little Bears Playhouse, a not-for-profit child learning and daycare center which has also served the community for decades. Future uses of this area could include a community service center to accommodate other non-profit Girdwood Organizations. Brief history of Girdwood Park: Municipal Ordinance 84-199 dedicated Tract A, Girdwood Townsite Plat 66-76 for park and recreational uses. Note 4 of plat 2000-6 states, “There shall be no direct vehicular access to Alyeska Highway from Tract A-1.” (Girdwood Park). There is a 20-page document titled “Documented History of Girdwood Park Preservation and Dedication” presented to public meetings of the Girdwood Land Use Committee on February 8, 2010, subsequently to the GBOS, a copy of which is in the Girdwood Library. Since the Earthquake of 1964, the southeastern portion of the park has historically been used by not-for-profit entities including the then City of Girdwood. Beginning with the Turnagain Arm Comprehensive Plan of 1979 there has been a false impression of a division of Tract A-1 Girdwood Park. The four major Girdwood Area plans identified the southeastern third of the park as 'current use institutional' and/or 'future use institutional', using the color green to denote park land and blue to denote institutional. Somewhere inside the Municipality the “Institutional” use was translated and zoned into GC5 when it should have been GIP along with the rest of Girdwood Park, as GIP encompasses both park and institutional uses. Sincerely, Lewis Leonard, co-chair of the Girdwood South Townsite Sub-committee of the Girdwood Land Use Committee of the GBOS
Diana Stone Livingston 3/22/2012 10:51:35 PM
I am cochair of the Girdwood South Townsite Master Plan Subcommittee of the Girdwood Board of Supervisors. We have been aware of the errors that make this action necessary and support the process to correct them. Making the zoning right on this parcel must occur before any further action on the South Townsite Master Plan can follow. Thank you.