Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Daniel George 10/26/2012 11:40:13 AM
Community Council Comments for Case Number 2012-125 A Design Study Report for the Mountain View Drive/McCarrey Street Intersection and Safety Upgrades in East Anchorage (MOA Project #10-012). Comments Submitted October 26, 2012 Mountain View Community Council / Anchorage Community Land Trust Joint Comments The Mountain View Community Council (MVCC) commends the work completed thus far by Kinney Engineering and Associates on the McCarrey Street / Mountain View Drive intersection design study phase. The Mountain View Community Council recommends these considerations in the design study phase: 1) A pedestrian–oriented intersection 2) Inclusion of bus transit stops in the design 3) Gateway feature 4) Understanding of impact on commuter traffic, businesses, and residents along the Mountain View Drive commercial corridor 1: The community is very concerned about creating a safe crossing for pedestrians looking to access Davis and Lion’s Park. The intersection desired by the MVCC would give pedestrians an equal or preferred footing over vehicles. 2: Two important and well-used bus stops are located in close proximity to the McCarrey Street / Mountain View Drive intersection. The MVCC would like to see these spaces incorporated and accounted for in the re-design. At this point, we have heard no indication that the Transit Department has been notified or is working together with Planning for this project. 3: The MVCC sees McCarrey Street and Mountain View Drive as an entry point in to the neighborhood of Mountain View. We would like to see a design that accounts for an artistic gateway feature to help welcome people to the community. This feature is a capital improvement priority for the MVCC and the ACLT. 4: The MVCC wants the redesign to accommodate commuters who use Mountain View Drive as an alternative to the Glenn Highway heading north. We do not want a feature that will create traffic back-ups that discourage these potential customers from visiting Mountain View. We also need to understand the length of the construction project to help inform businesses to plan for any potential road closures. Approved by the executive committee October 25th, 2012. Daniel George Kirk Rose MVCC President MVCC Treasurer / ACLT Staff
Marty Smith 10/10/2012 8:51:45 AM
Please note that ML&P has 2 (2 inch) conduits that cross McCarry Street at approximately 24+50. They are not currently used but may be used for fiber optic cables in the near future. Please also consider the traffic volumes while Davis Park is in use during baseball games. There are upwards of 30-40 vehicles that utilize the parking lots off the north side of Mountain View Drive by McCarry Street.