Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Clinton R Hodges II 5/18/2013 9:04:43 AM
To whom this may concern, I do not support the application for a package alcohol license for the following reasons: 1. It is too close to Bartlett HS; 2. It is too close to the VA Health facility that is vigorously attempting to treat veterans with alcohol dependency issues; 3. It is too close to Brown Jug; 4. There are too many licensed package stores contributing to growing homelessness population, domestic violence and other crimes associated with alcohol consumption and purchases in the greater northeast Anchorage area; 5.The Airforce recently stated publicly that alcohol consumption is responsible for increasing and high levels of domestic violence, sexual assualts and suicide; 6. Community councils in the northeast Anchorage area with support from its residents do no support this request. If this license is approved it will without a doubt increase competition for alcohol and lower the price making it more plentiful to a population that can least afford to deal with its effects. Please, no more alcohol licenses!