Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Submitted comments will appear below after staff approval.
Nancy Lathrop 4/10/2014 11:41:13 AM
I approve the request from the TCC to rewrite Title 21. Our community should have more connection with planning and zoning. p & Z should also be more concerned about the affects of their decisions on those of us who pay taxes in our neighborhood. I believe the acquisition of the Long House will have a negative impact on our neighborhood and will not easily be corrected once it is in place.
Susan Phipps 4/7/2014 1:32:20 PM
I lived and worked in the Spenard area 2008 to 2013. I would like to support the proposed use of the Long House Hotel for supported living.
Robert Auth 4/6/2014 8:57:06 PM
Speaking on behalf of the Spenard Community Council, which discussed this proposed ordinance at its meeting on April 2, the Council objects to the recent changes to the ordinance, which eliminates entirely the requirement for a conditional use permit for a supportive housing facility, which would presumably apply to the Long House. The Council only became aware of the changes when a member of the public brought it up at the meeting. Thus, the Council has not had an opportunity to timely address the revised ordinance, and therefore it requests a continuance of this matter until at least May 12, to allow the Council to discuss it at their May 7 meeting. On a substantive level, the Council requests that the ordinance include a process where a supportive housing facility like the Long House must go through a public process before it is allowed to operate. This process must include, at a minimum, the opportunity for input from the affected community councils, plus a public hearing conditional use permit process before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.