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Jerrianne 12/10/2018 1:46:09 AM
I am a 43-year resident of a Scenic Foothills neighborhood that would be severely impacted by a diesel exhaust from schoolbuses if the ASD Bus Barn were to be moved to the Totem Theatre property on Muldoon Road. The ASD Bus Barn does not belong in a residential neighborhood, as you have already heard from the Northeast, Scenic Foothills and Basher Community Councils. Air pollution, noise pollution and traffic impact should rule out completely the three sites that are not prohibited by a zoning restriction. Of the five sites under consideration, Site 27 with access via Tudor Center Drive and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. has the least impact on established residential neighborhoods. If, for any reason, Site 27 cannot be used, please find another site in an industrial area. These school buses are not compatible with residential neighborhoods.
Rep. Lance Pruitt 12/9/2018 9:31:22 PM
Three out of the five proposed sites for the ASD Transportation Facility are in or directly adjacent to the district I represent, District 27. Countless neighbors have voiced their concerns about the problems the bus facility would create in our neighborhoods. We worked together last year against the proposed Totem site and encouraged a site that didn't require putting an industrial facility in a residential area. One of the final two proposed sites greatly effects another portion of my predominately residential district and creates safety concerns for those living in the Basher and Baxter areas. I agree with my constituents, the bus transportation facility needs to be in an area with the least negative impact. I appreciate the work that has gone into this project and request that you recommend Site 27.
Karen Hansen 11/19/2018 7:38:00 PM
I am opposed to site #18 at Campbell Airstrip and Tudor Roads as a location for a bus barn. I am a resident of Stuckagain Heights Neighborhood. Campbell Airstrip road is the only access in and out of our neighborhood and bicentennial park. There is no alternative. There are multiple access points to Chugach state park as well. A bus barn does not belong near neighborhoods where it will seriously impact current residents daily with noise, pollution, and congestion. Fire station 14 is at Campbell Airstrip and Tudor roads. Putting 120 busses on the road multiple times per day would affect their ability for a timely response to any emergency. Not to mention that there are already several vehicle collisions at that intersection. Changing the signal timing at the intersection is also not a possibility, as this would change the entire east-west Tudor road corridor. Benny Benson school, the Botanical Gardens and the neighbors would all be seriously affected on a daily basis. Please remove site #18 from consideration. The only site that makes some sense is site #27 as there is no residential housing, currently has multiple access points including signal intersections. Or perhaps it's time to examine the parameters of the study, broaden the parameters and put the bus barn in an industrial area. Thank you. Karen Hansen
Glenn Hughton 11/19/2018 2:04:08 PM
I am against the selection of site #18 at the base of Campbell Airstrip Road. Putting a bus barn would completely disrupt the current intersection at Campbell Airstrip Road and Tudor Road. You would have that intersection completely grid locked with 80-90 buses going through 2-3 times a day. You would also add about 500 more vehicles a day for the workers and drivers of the buses. Site 27 has 4 lanes roads that could handle this traffic and makes a much logical choice. I also think putting all those buses next to the Botanical Gardens would subject it to noise and pollution. Please select Site 27 for the location or have the city widen it's search to include a location in a industrial area that would not effect residential neighborhoods. Thanks Glenn Hughton
LuAnn PIccard 11/17/2018 4:33:34 PM
I am a resident of Stuckagain Heights writing in opposition to relocating the ASD Bus Barn from its current location to the Dowl Report’s Site #18 at the base of Campbell Airstrip Road near Fire Station #14, Benny Benson School, and the Alaska Botanical Gardens. This Bus Barn would house and maintain 120 + school buses that will access Tudor Road from Campbell Airstrip Road via the road between Benny Benson School and the Botanical Gardens. Our Stuckagain Heights neighborhood and Basher Community Council was not consulted regarding this project. A poll taken in our neighborhood shows that 100% of residents in Stuckagain Heights oppose this proposed location. A potential location near Totem Theaters was also rejected due to outcry from nearby residents. An industrial site/bus barn does not belong near any residential areas. Imagine the traffic, pollution, noise, and congestion resulting from 120+ school buses lumbering from and onto the small road between the Botanical Gardens and Benny Benson School and onto and from Campbell Airstrip Road at Tudor Road for several hours each morning and afternoon, the impact on residents in Stuckagain Heights as well as other neighborhoods from Boniface to Patterson, and users of Far North Bicentennial Park. Then consider the potential daily impact on emergency responders at Fire Station #14 as they attempt to navigate congestion resulting from 120 buses coming and going at that small intersection just in front of the fire station. Then appreciate the impact to the tranquil, serene, and beautiful Alaska Botanical Gardens with 120+ idling school buses housed and maintained on its doorstep. Please also think about the huge industrial land scar it will create at the base of our otherwise beautiful Far North Bicentennial Park and in front yard of the Alaska Botanical Gardens. This intersection currently accommodates a municipal snow dump serviced by large side dumpers and other industrial equipment. Adding 120 buses and maintenance equipment at an already congested intersection makes no sense. These are just a few of the reasons this location should not be considered further. The report prepared by Dowl also identified location (#27) which is between Martin Luther King Drive and Tudor and between Elmore and Tudor Center Drive. Location #27 is close to the current ASD Bus Barn, is not adjacent to any residential areas or parks, and has numerous points of access from Martin Luther King Blvd to Tudor at Elmore, Tudor Center Drive and Boniface compared to the single small access point to Tudor at the Campbell Airstrip Road intersection. On behalf of the neighborhoods, people, parks, safety, traffic congestion and noise/pollution concerns with location #18, I respectfully request that site #18 be removed from further consideration. If the bus barn must be moved, site #27 is the logical choice.
Dahlene Hancock 11/15/2018 2:37:27 PM
Name: Dahlene D Hancock Email Address: Phone: (907) 333-9284 Subject: Anchorage School District Student Transportation Facility New Facility.. 2955 Muldoon Rd. Message Dear Sirs, Now That I have someone to contact about this School bus transportation Facility. Our neighborhood last year said no to this facility because of the high density of homes right behind the proposed facility. This bus depot should go where there are no residential ares around it . The facility has a home off of Tudor right now. It is not a residential area there. why move it? My community does not want it here. We made it this clear last year nothing has changed. We are and R2A two-family Residential zoning area. My 2 grandsons have asthma. How is this facility going to affect them and I am a senior citizen, I have my own issues with health and do not need the added air quality problems right in my back yard. Please stop this Facility from being built in any high density area. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this issue with you. Please help us remove this proposed facility from our area and build the much needed Elementary school that we all agreed upon to be built on this property. Thank you again Dahlene D. Hancock
Ken & Kathy Privratsky 11/14/2018 3:37:42 AM
We oppose the Tudor - Campbell Airstrip Road location for the ASD Bus Barn. We Stuckagain Heights residents rely heavily on Campbell Airstrip/Basher road and the signaled intersection at Tudor and Campbell Airstrip. It does not appear that the DOWL Study proposes construction of a separate entry point off of Tudor for the new Student Transportation Maintenance Facility. Rather, in several places it emphasizes the favorability of the signaled intersection at Tudor and Campbell Airstrip. This concerns us very much since this intersection already accommodates not only all Stuckagain residents but rapid response for a fire station, traffic for an elementary school, a route for dump trucks hauling snow for storage during winter (on the southwest side), and access to the popular Botanical Garden in the summer. Congestion at this intersection is already frustrating during most workweeks as a large portion of the Stuckagain neighborhood leaves for and returns from work. During the winter, when roads are slick, it is not unusual to wait for multiple lights during rush hours to get onto Tudor, especially when snow removal is underway. There are no other ways out of the neighborhood by via that intersection. We cannot believe that out of 88 parcels considered that the best option must impact the Stuckagain community so significantly.
Paul kapinos 11/13/2018 5:15:42 PM
The bus barn does not belong in a residential area. It belongs on Elmore or by crime lab. I oppose it being put at the totem location. This was already settled and taken off the table. Why is it being considered again!
Basher Community Council 11/13/2018 3:15:39 PM
The Basher Community Council representing 225 households in Stuckagain Heights adopted this Resolution Sept. 30, 2018 regarding the location of the Muni bus barn. BASHER COMMUNITY COUNCIL Anchorage, Alaska A Resolution Supporting Site #27 and Opposing Site #18 for the Location of the Anchorage School District Student Transportation Maintenance Facility Whereas, the Municipality of Anchorage released a site selection study in September 2018 identifying new locations for the Anchorage School District (ASD) Student Transportation Maintenance Facility (school bus barn); and Whereas, that site selection study authors did not discuss the options with residents of Stuckagain Heights or the members of the Basher Community Council. Whereas, the Basher Community Council (BCC) and residents of Stuckagain Heights (residents) reject Site #18 as identified in the ASD Student Transportation Maintenance Facility location for the following reasons: 1. Site #18 will severely impact the residents of this neighborhood as there is only one road into and out of the subdivision. The BCC and residents disagree with the study’s finding on Page 17, last paragraph; 2. The impact of approximately 130 buses and numerous employees driving vehicles in multiple trips per day will make it difficult to get onto Tudor Road from Campbell Airstrip Road and will impede the flow of traffic east and west along Tudor Road and result in traffic slowdowns daily.; 3. Increased bus and vehicle traffic will significantly impact residents due to the location of Fire Station #14. The location will adversely affect the ingress and egress of the emergency personnel and residents. The location will increase the time emergency personnel will be able to respond to life threatening calls; 4. The neighborhood north of Tudor Road will also be affected by noise, traffic, and pollution; 5. The Benny Benson School will also be adversely affected by traffic, noise, and safety issues; 6. The Botancial Gardens is a gem and prized for its peacefulness. The noise and pollution from the bus traffic and employees coming to and from the bus barn will adversely affect the gardens, and finally 7. The intersection of Baxter and Campbell Airstrip Road has more traffic accidents with injuries than the Boniface and Tudor intersection, according to the Municipality of Anchorage website. Whereas, the BCC and residents approve of Site #27 as the best site for the ASD bus barn as it has the least impact to any Anchorage residents. Now Therefore Be It Resolved that the BCC and residents hereby oppose the selection of Site #18 and support Site #27. Adopted this 30th day of September, 2018. signed_____________________________ Margaret Nelson, Secretary
Debbie Montgomery 11/3/2018 3:20:04 AM
My family and I are opposed to the plan to relocate the ASD bus transportation facility to directly across the street from my home. I have been a resident of East 32nd Ave. for 21 years. I am one of the few families that have lived on this street this long and take much pride in our neighborhood. There will be significant and negative impacts on my family and me. This large operation with 120 buses will substantially and negatively impact the air quality, noise level, and traffic in my neighborhood, not to mention the unattractive nature of this type of facility. It is not a residential-friendly operation. This neighborhood has lots of neighborhood children out playing and this operation would be a potential hazard to little ones out and about. Also, there are many residents of the neighborhood that walk up and down 32nd as it is the Main Street in and out of our development. This would make for much more traffic than there already is. It will bring high pollution to the neighborhood, which is VERY bad for my family and I, as we have severe asthma in our family members. Also to hear continual beeping of the buses in the wee hours of the morning would be very annoying. Residents enjoy sleeping in until their alarm goes off each morning, and would not like the annoying sound waking them up. Please put yourself in our shoes as if you lived here and think how you would feel and support the neighborhood of not moving it in our area. They need to find another location that is appropriate for an operation of this size and type. And, I agree the current location is the best for such a development. We hope that ASD and the City don’t choose this area just because the Totem property is cheap and ASD already owns some of the area. Because when we moved in 21 years ago it was projected for a school to be put there. Which didn’t happen, as it was built and is Begich Middle School. I ask again, PLEASE support our neighborhood with a FIRM no to move the project here. Unhappy Resident of East 32nd, Debbie
Kathleen Chamberlain 11/1/2018 11:30:22 AM
I am opposed to relocating the ASD Bus Barn to 2955 Muldoon Road. When the community voiced its objection when this was first proposed we were assured by the mayor that this location was not longer under consideration so I was very dismayed to see it on the list for this current proposal. All of the objections previously stated including increased noise, light, traffic and air pollution in a residential area are still valid. It doesn't seems wise to compromise an established residential area by moving this type of industrial/transportation activity into the middle of it. After reviewing the proposal the location that makes the most sense is the one next to the crime lab as it is in a commercial area away from residential neighborhoods.
Donna Gail Shaw 10/31/2018 9:19:55 PM
I am writing to express my opposition to both the rezoning of 2955 Muldoon Road and to the relocation of the ASD bus operation to this residential area. This is an established residential area. I purchased a duplex on East 32nd Ave. in the early 90s and still own this property. I currently reside on Evergreen Street, which is less than half a mile from the proposed bus operation relocation site. The negative impacts to my neighborhood will be significant. Relocation of the bus operation to this site will have the following impacts. 1) It will affect the air quality in the area. The emissions from 120 bus engines being warmed on cold mornings will be significant and detrimental to the health of residents. I can provide scientific research to support this claim. 2) It will increase noise pollution. The constant beeping of the back-up safety feature as well as engine noise from 120 buses in the early morning hours and afternoons will disrupt the peaceful quietness of this neighborhood. Residents should not be subjected to this type of noise when the homes they purchased were in a residential area. 3) It will increase light pollution. One of the nicest features of this neighborhood is being able to enjoy the night sky without excessive light. The addition of artificial lighting that is adequate enough to protect the safety of the drivers and other personnel as well as security of the equipment will be unpleasant for the residents and may have negative health consequences. 4) It will cause traffic congestion. This area already has high traffic and adding 120 buses, plus an additional 120 or more personal vehicles of the bus drivers and other employees, to the mix will cause significant trafficability access and egress issues. According to Robin Ward, about 50 buses will need to use East 32nd Ave. each afternoon and another 50 or so will be turning east off Muldoon Road to return to the facility. It is unclear how many buses will access East 32nd Ave. each morning. Robin Ward indicated that most of the buses would turn north on Muldoon Road each morning, and that the turn on Muldoon Road would not be at a traffic signal. At the current location of the bus operation, the turn onto Muldoon Road is at a traffic signal. The access and egress issues at this site are significant. Traveling on East 32nd Ave. in the winter months is an even bigger challenge with snow piled high resulting in a narrower roadway. 5) It will increase the potential for environmental pollution. According to Robin Ward, there will be fuel on this site and maintenance of buses will be conducted on site. The potential for the negative effects of an environmental accident and environmental pollution will be increased for this residential area. I did not buy a home in a residential area to be exposed to environmental pollutants from a transportation operation. This area is also very close to a wetlands area. 6) It will add another unsightly operation to a location with beautiful mountain views. People who purchased property in a residential area should not be subjected to this type of unattractive development. It is bad enough to have to look at the deteriorating Totem Theater, but that is not a justification to add another unattractive operation to the area. 7) It may impact property values. I have heard from several residents who are concerned that a transportation operation of this magnitude near their homes will reduce property values. I was unable to find research that directly addresses the impact of a school bus operation being placed in a residential area, probably because it is simply not done. However, I did find some evidence that supports the fear of Scenic Foothills residents that this type of operation could result in a decrease in property values, particularly within close proximity to the site. I know that I would not buy a home that is across the street from or that backs up to this type of operation. Yet, if this operation is relocated to this residential area, my property will be directly across the street from it. No one with whom I have communicated wants the ASD bus operation near his/her own home or in any other residential area. It belongs in an area that is suitable for a transportation industry. If such a site cannot be found, please leave it where it is.
Anne Hill 10/30/2018 3:19:52 PM
I am opposed to the ASD Bus Barn being located on 2995 Muldoon. It is too close to residential neighborhood and will create noise, light, and air pollution that should not be in that location.
Dorothy Earp 10/30/2018 12:09:37 PM
I am protesting any & everything to do with locating the ASD Bus Barn on Muldoon next to the Totem Theater. Especially since the mayor previously said the location was off the table. I have a respiratory illness that is not going to be helped by locating the facility backing up to a residential area that is geographically located in an area where the pollution & fumes from busses would be trapped with no place to dissipate. Add to that, the hundreds of extra vehicles this would put out onto Muldoon as it is not only the busses, but the bus drivers vehicles as well as any other personnel working at the location. Not to mention the added traffic that would result on 32nd street and with that invariably comes, folks driving around down into the neighborhoods off of 32nd street. The site that makes the most sense is the one by the APD crime lab since it is already a commercial type area. Not sure why this is not the location for this project to concentrate on.
Fran Bancroft 10/30/2018 9:31:24 AM
The only location that makes any sense is the 4501 Elmore Rd. The other two locations are in residential areas and will cause major traffic, noise, and pollution problems. KEEP residential areas residential.
Heather Swanson 10/30/2018 9:11:25 AM
As stated at multiple meetings, the Muldoon site is not supported by the neighborhood. This location would ruin the quality of life for our close-knit community. The Muldoon site has buses spewing their exhaust less than 100 ft away from my home and many of my neighbors. The noise level would be unbearable. Muldoon cannot handle that much traffic at that juncture, it's already clogged. If the facility MUST be moved, the site directly across the street from its current location makes the most sense. It has the smallest impact on neighborhoods and their quality of life. Keep it in a light industrial area, not a residential!
Matthew Kliemann 10/30/2018 8:11:04 AM
Please consider a different location than 2995 Muldoon. This backs right up to a residential neighborhood and the noise, light & air pollution would have a negative impact on all who live there and that is not even going into the traffic problems this would cause on both E 32nd & Muldoon in the mornings.
Dawn Conatser 10/30/2018 7:33:59 AM
I continue to be opposed to placing the bus barn at the 2955 Muldoon Road location. Our community fought this proposed site last year and were told by the Mayor "we heard the community, we will find another location" so WHY IS THIS EVEN AN ISSUE NOW? This is exactly why the public doesn't trust those in politics. The bus barn would be right in the middle of a residential area. We don't need to noise every day, the pollution or the traffic this site would bring to our WORKING CLASS neighborhood. There are other sites proposed with far less impact to a residential area such as the one by the APD crime lab. None of the people voting on this project would want it in their residential area and WE DON'T WANT IN OURS.
ERIK H SCHMITZ 10/25/2018 6:48:14 PM
I oppose placing the bus barn at the 2955 Muldoon location near Totem Theater. The problem with the Totem location is that it backs directly up to a neighborhood which is down hill and would be flooded with exhaust due to the pressure differential at the bottom of the hill. Smoke from wood stoves and car exhaust already hang in the area in winter creating awful air quality. Not to mention hours of early morning noise - engines and beeping, right up against a large residential neighborhood to the East. The proposal also had the entry route on the east side of the theater, coming north off of 32nd which is going to cause pretty severe congestion on both 32nd and coming onto both 32nd from Muldoon and onto Muldoon from the barn. This is government / school zoned property, but a bus barn is truly light industrial. The other bus lot over by Old Seward and Minnesota is zoned light industrial. Light industrial doesn't belong here so close to homes. Harry Crawford worked really hard to get this parcel for ASD for the purpose of a school to build the existing community. A bus barn here would choke it out with exhaust. consider a different location please!