Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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David R Fink 6/14/2021 11:35:54 AM
Please consider supporting a fence for the dog track. I am a fiat performer and vender. Every year there has been trouble with theft. I understand There will never be a perfect solution, only deterrence. I also hope this make a more safe environment for mushers to train there teams in a secured area. Dave Fink ASD Theater Technician.
Kevin McClear 6/13/2021 9:38:17 PM
The Three Barons Fair is an educational 501(c)3 organization that hosts a fair spring on the ASDRA grounds. Our fair consists of 450 participants, 70 vendors, and 12,000 patrons over two weekends each June. We are approaching 30 years of serving the Anchorage community. We look forward to continuing to serve our community at ASDRA's new location. An essential part of our being able to use the new site is the inclusion of the fence in the proposal. Being able to secure the site is critical to any ticketed event such as ours. The Three Barons Fair supports granting the Conditional Use Permit listed as case number 2021-0062. Thank you for your time, Kevin McClear, President of the Board, Three Barons Fair, Inc.