Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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We are sorry but no more comments are being taken for this case
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Submitted comments will appear below after staff approval.
Marilyn Bernhardt 2/2/2008 1:42:19 PM
I agree with and reiterate every point raised by Mr. Christianson in his comments. There was also nothing in the notice regarding the purpose of the proposed subdivision. I wss under the impression this was Chucach National Forest land. Unfortunately, I am currently out of the State and cannot attend the hearing, but I am very concerned about any proposed development above us. I live at 359 Crystal Mountain Rd., immediately adjacent to the petition area. We were adversely affected by the construction of the Alyeska Challenge building a number of years ago. Prior to its existence, we had no moisture in our crawl space. Now there is a continuous flow of water into that area. The same is true for our neighbors. I respectfully request that this hearing be postponed and renoticed with sufficient information to afford one an opportunity to evaluate the merits of the petition. Further, I request that the new notice be emailed to me so I sufficient leadtime to return to Alaska to attend the rescheduled hearing. Thank you.
Cabot Christianson 1/17/2008 8:10:36 PM
The Notice of Public Hearing for this proposed subdivision is completely inadequate. The petition site appears to include, or be very next to, such landmarks as the base of Chair 3, top and bottom of Chairs 3 and 7, the Challenge Alaska Building, etc. But the sketch does not include these basic lanadmarks. Nor are there any elevation contours. Therefore I cannot tell where the Petition Site is located, even though I have lived on Crystal Drive for 13 years. Also the proposal is for the petition site to be developed into 12 lots, but the boundaries of the 12 lots are not shown. The proposal will involve access issues which are ignored in the notice, but which are critical to any intelligent comment on the substance of the proposal. Will Crystal Mountain Drive be maintained by the City of Anchorage, or the State of Alaska? In its present condition it is not paved and is poorly maintained. I tried to access more information on the muni's website, and could find nothing. The sketch uses designations such as GRST-1, GOS, GR-2 which I assume are zoning designations, but there should be a key somewhere, or reference. I won't be able to attend the Feb 4 meeting. The Notice as mailed is so defective that the hearing should be re-noticed with sufficient information that an interested person can comment.