Downtown Anchorage with the Chugach Mountains in the background

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Kay Carlo 12/1/2009 4:54:45 PM
To turn such a beautiful place into a strip mall is insane, what we don't need is more malls, the ones we have now are not full and some businesses are going under. I have always enjoyed the "green house" just as it is. My kid's enjoy it just the way it is. And if it was a park we would enjoy it much much more. NO MALLS!!!
Dede Schwartz 12/1/2009 3:33:43 PM
I support a park PLAN for the Muldoon acreage that protects the integrity of the open space in an area that has seen way too much new pavement lately. Ideally a park visible from Muldoon and Debarr that the community can be proud of as well as the creek work to enhance salmon habitat can be accommodated. Communities should not live in fear of hidden agendas for road or commercial plans. If there are no plans to extend DeBarr eastward then update the drawings that show it. Our government groups need to work in unison to coordinate timelines that work for the best interest of the community.
Kevin Smestad 11/30/2009 11:04:52 PM
I am against the re-platting of this land. I believe the whole land should be left the way it is and made into the Muldoon Park Strip. Being right next to the community center it would make a perfect location for people to view the wonderful beauty of Alaska inside Anchorage. It would make a great way for kids to go on hikes that are attending the Boys and Girls Club. The people of the Northeast Community Council have voted against the re-platting and I would hope that would be taken into consideration. The land is already unused, available and perfect for the community to use.
Marc Grober 11/28/2009 4:54:05 PM
Apparently the NECC has taken a position adverse to the moving agencies but for whatever reason that position has yet to be received by the appropriate authorities, and one can only hope that the reason for this is not a continuation of prior policy of the MOA executive essentially making opposition by community councils less than visible. As even a cursory look at any municipal imaging will reflect, the northeast has been the focus by the MOA of a concerted deforestation effort intended to jam much of Anchorage's increasing population into the northeast in order to keep the balance of the municipality "safe" from urbanization. This policy much cease. The property in question should be designated and employed as park land and unfortunately the staff comments do not reflect that this usage has even been considered by staff Once again the MOA has the cart before the horse. The first thing the MOA needs to do BEFORE creating additional commercial space is properly value the existing commercial realty in the municipality. Having thereupon determined, as has been pointed out by the University over the course of a number of years that the MOA does not need additional commercial space while it is desparate for park space so as to make living in the northeast bearable. No action on this parcel should be taken unless and until the highest and best use of this parcel has been determined, and it is the consdiered opinion of most of the people in the northeast that additional acreage for additional strip malls is NOT in the community's best interests. In sum, STOP paving the MOA, STOP completing the grid, STOP selling the community out to moneyed interests who don;t give a rat's ass for our neighborhoods.
stuart grenier 11/28/2009 3:13:44 PM
It appears unfortunately the Northeast Community Councils resolution regarding the replat of these lots and the moving of the creek have not yet been included in the P&Z packet. The council is in favor of creating a Muldoon Park Strip from Muldoon Road to the Military reservation. It is key to the Muldoon Park Strip concept that no buildings obstruct the view of the strip from Muldoon Road thus at the same time creating a town square and park strip for Muldoon. Formal notice of the NECC's resolution will be given at the P&Z meeting on Dec. 2. if not sooner. Please recognize this communities efforts to help Muldoon live up to its potnetial to become a vibrant community with the facilities that would be expected of such a densely populated area.
Marc Little 11/17/2009 9:11:20 PM
I am opposed to dividing this land up and making it a commercial venture. The property has a beautiful creek running through and it should preserved as a park for all future generations to enjoy, including the wildlife and moose that make their homes in the area.