Girdwood Trails Committee meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Meetings are currently held via Teams, check our website: www.muni.org/gbos/events for current information. Everyone is welcome.
Girdwood Summer Trails Map
Girdwood Winter Trails Map
Girdwood Valley Trails Management Plan 2020 Revision
Mission Statement:
Acting as a subcommittee to the Girdwood Board of Supervisors, the mission of the Girdwood Trails Committee is to promote, maintain and enhance the Girdwood Valley Trail System.
Plan, construct, and maintain a high quality “progressively primitive” trails network, that provides year round recreational access to the areas in, and adjacent to, the Girdwood valley on relatively undeveloped trails and allows for alternate forms of transportation within the established Girdwood community on more highly developed trails.
Maximize the involvement of Girdwood residents in trail issues in order to instill a sense of community pride in, and responsibility for, the Girdwood trails.
Ensure that the community values remain prominent components of future development of the Girdwood valley by developing constituency of trail users that is actively supportive of this community’s strong connection with our surrounding natural environmental and outdoor lifestyle.
Operating Procedures
The Girdwood Trails Committee (GTC) advocates for, protects, and maintains trails according to the guidelines of the Girdwood Trails Management Plan. The GTC reports to the Girdwood Board of Supervisors.
I. Meetings
• Regular meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month, unless a national holiday or other important event conflicts.
• Meetings are open to all interested persons.
• A previously published agenda is followed at each meeting.
• The chair, a vice-chair, or designee leads the meeting; The Girdwood Valley Service Area (GVSA) Administrative Officer, or designee takes minutes and publishes the agenda and minutes for meetings on the website:
www.muni.org/gbos as well as posting them on the Girdwood Library, Community Room and Girdwood Post Office bulletin boards.
• Format is an open forum; Robert’s Rules of Order are followed when necessary.
• Issues requiring a vote require a minimum of two presentations at two different meetings at least one month apart.
II. Voting Membership
• Voting members are defined as Girdwood residents or property owners age 18 years or older who have attended one or more meetings in the last 12 months.
• Attendance is verified by signing in on a sign-in sheet available at each meeting.
• Voting members must be physically present during the meeting in which they vote. Absent members are encouraged to send comments to the chair prior to the meeting. These comments will be read to the committee before a vote.
III. Elections and Officers
• The GTC officers are chair, two vice-chairs, and treasurer.
• Elections are held once a calendar year, preferably in January.
IV. Funds
• Per agreement, committee money is held in a designated account with Girdwood, Inc.
• Girdwood Parks and Recreation staff or committee chair may request funds from Girdwood, Inc. Requests must be made on the required form and accompanied by a receipt.
V. Modifications to This Document
• Voting members may modify this document with a majority vote.
Girdwood Trails Committee
PO Box 390
Girdwood, AK 99587
Adopted April 2008
Modified February 2010, September 2014, March 2015, May 2018