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Marijuana Retail Sales Tax

Subsequent to voter approval of Proposition 2 on April 5, 2016, authorizing a 5% sales tax on the retail sales of marijuana and marijuana products, the Administration proposed Anchorage Ordinance (AO) 2016-49, amending the Anchorage Municipal Code (AMC) by enacting Chapter 12.50 Retail Sales Tax on Marijuana and Marijuana Products.​​

AMC 12.50 establishes the requirements and procedures for the administration, collection, and enforcement of the marijuana retail sales tax.

New! ​​Registered Marijuana Retailers

Click here for a list of registered marijuana retaile​rs. Treasury updates this list on a frequent basis.

Certificate of Registration Process

Obtaining the Certificate of Registration authorizing your business to collect the marijuana retail sales tax is the final step before s​ales to consumers can begin. Treasury will not issue a Certificate of Registration until the following events occur:

  • the State of Alaska (SOA) Marijuana Control Board (MCB) has issued its retail marijuana store license;​
  • the Municipal Clerk's office has issued its retail sales establishment license; and 
  • information required by Treasury to process an application has been provided, including security for fiduciary performance (see Informationals section) pursuant to AMC 12.50.160.

Note that each event above includes additional steps, such as obtaining a State of Alaska business license (ABL), registering a corporation or LLC with the SOA Dept. of Commerce Corporations Division, and obtaining a municipal special land use permit. 

Application for a Certificate of Registration

The application is designed to be completed online and printed before initialing and signing. The form will allow you to add additional lines as needed for some of the required information. If you choose to not complete the fillable form online, you may use the following continuation schedules for the sections where you may need more than the default space provided in the main application form.

Note: You will need Acrobat Reader 9.0 or later to view and use the fillable forms; click here to download the latest version from Adobe.

The fillable forms use JavaScript and/or FormCalc to add functionality. You may need to enable scripting in your web browser and/or change the browser's default PDF viewer. Please click here for more information from Adobe about the browser/PDF issue.

For initial application for a certificate, use the following link:

For renewal application for a certificate, use the following link:

  • Renewal Application for Treasury's Certificate of Registration:
    Fillable (.pdf) Nonfillable (.pdf)

NOTE: Certificate of registration expires September 30 following the issuance date, unless the certificate states otherwise. Certificate must be renewed each year prior to September 30. Renew certificate of registration by submitting a new application.

Continuation schedules (if needed):

Tax Return

The tax return must be filed and the retail sales tax remitted within 30 days after the end of each calendar month during which retail sales of marijuana and marijuana products occurred. A return must be filed by a licensee even if no retail sales of marijuana and marijuana products occurred during the month covered. See AMC 12.50.170 for details of who must file.

The tax return must state the quantity and retail sales amount for each category of marijuana and marijuana products sold during the month. If there were no sales for a given category, enter zero on the applicable line of the tax return.

The State of Alaska METRC report used to complete the tax return must accompany the tax return.​

Tax returns not timely filed and/or sales tax not timely remitted in full shall automatically incur penalties for failure to timely file and/or pay. See AMC 12.50.280 for additional details on these penalties.

Tax returns for which sales tax has not been timely remitted in full shall automatically incur interest on the unremitted tax balance due. See AMC 12.50.270 for additional details on interest.


Miscellaneous Lists and Reports