​   RESULTS   ​​​​MEDIA CENTER​​​​​​

MOA Election Center

Municipal elections are headquartered​ at the Election Center, 619 E Ship Creek Ave, where ballot envelopes are received, signatures are verified and ballots are tabulated.​

This is also where the Election Commission​ meets in Public Session of Canvass to review and vote on preliminarily rejected or challenged ballot envelopes before the Anchorage Assembly certifies each election.​

Tour the Election Center

​The Election Center belongs to the people of Anchorage. Tours of the Election Center are now available in adva​nce of the April 1, 2025 Regular Municipal Election.​Tours of the Election Center are limited to 10 attendees per tour. 

Call the Voter hotline at 907-243-VOTE to sign up for an upcoming tour.

Tour Schedule​
Watch Intro to Vote by Mail
Election Center Youtube

Election Center Livestream

​In 2022, we introduced a 24/7 livestream of the Election Center during ballot processing periods. From the time ballots are mailed through Election Day and past certification, you can tune into the livestream on Youtube, where livestreams are also archived for later viewing.

About the Election Commission

The Election Com​mission​ is a five-member commission appointed by the Mayor, approved by th​e Assembly, and staffed by the Municipal Clerk. 

The Election Commission adjudicates ballots that have been preliminarily rejected by election officials, reviews and reports on the election results to the Assembly, provides advice on the conduct of local elections, and recommends changes to local law relating to elections.​ Commission members often participate in election worker training, logic and accuracy testing, and election observation. Meetings include a yearly organizational meeting and the Public Session of Canvass; any additional meetings are held at the call of the Assembly, Municipal Clerk, or the Commission Chair.​ 

If you have a question or issue for the Election Commission, please contact the Commission in care of the Municipal Clerk's Office at wwmasmc@anchorageak.gov​,​​ at 343-4311, or at 632 W 6th Avenue, Suite 250.​​​​


​907-243-VOTE elections@anchorageak.gov
​619 E Ship Creek Ave., Ste. 100, Door D Anchorage, AK 99501