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​​​​​Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS) Pronounced A-MATS, we organize transportation improvements in Anchorage. Places in the country with 50,000 people or more work together to meet the transportation goals of state and local governments through an organization like AMATS.​​​

​​AMATS Engagement Hub, click to see what participation opportunities are going on now!The AMATS Public Involvement PlanThe AMATS Unified Planning Work Program​​

The AMATS Metropolitan Transportation Plan, a  20-year planning documentThe AMATS Transportation Improvement Program, a 4-year project document showing funding allocationsThe AMATS Congestion Management ProcessOther plans and studies

AMATS Quarterly Project UpdatesState ProjectsMunicipal Projects


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Email: amatsinfo@anchorageak.gov 

​Phone: 907.343.8254​

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