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Planning Department and Public Works​

​​The Department of Planning Development and Public Works (PD&PW) ​is responsible for the coordination and management of municipal departments and divisions working to improve the community’s economic vitality; facilitate commercial and residential property development; enforce building and land use codes; and manage regional planning projects. Additionally, the Director oversees community programs and assets that contribute to the quality of life for those who live, work, and play in Anchorage.​

PD&PW works to facilitate development and a multi-modal transportation system in accordance with municipal codes, protecting safety, public health and environmental resources, while also working to promote a healthy economy, strong businesses and neighborhoods, and recreational opportunities. We respond to our customers seeking code enforcement information, zoning or platting applications, building permits or inspections with open, friendly, cost-efficient and effective service.​


​Lance Wilber​


Vision Zero 

​​Quick Links

FAQ's about Building Permits

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Anchorage Works