
​Salaries ​and Emoluments Commission​

The Salaries and Emoluments Commission is a five-member regulatory/adjudicatory commission appointed by the Mayor, approved by the Assembly, and staffed by the Municipal Clerk. The Salaries and Emoluments Commission establishes the salaries, benefits, and allowances for the Mayor, Assembly members, and Anchorage School Board members. The Municipal Home Rule Charter provides for the appointment of this commission and sets out its duties in Section 5.08. The Salaries and Emoluments Commission meets at least once each calendar year. ​

The Commission meets as scheduled at City Hall in Assembly Conference Room #155, unless otherwise indicated.​ The public may attend the meeting in person or telephonically (audio only). Telephonic participation - conference bridge: (907) 273-5190, participant code 721227#.



​​Next Meeting: August 6, 2024- Worksession on Assembly Member health benefits.


PREVIOUS MEETINGS: For detailed Committee discussion, please refer to meeting recordings located on the Municipal Meetings page. Links to YouTube videos of the meetings can be found on the Municipal Meetings page by clicking on the “view media" link next to the corresponding meeting date. “View media" links are typically posted within 24-hours of the meeting's adjournment and remain archived for future viewing. ​​​​​​

June 27, 2024 - Agenda

​April 18, 2024 - Agenda

April 4, 2023 - Meeting Agenda and Packet

​Salar​ies & Emoluments Commission Members

​​Term Ends
​Steve Rieger, Chair
​Kimberly Hays,
Vice Chair
​Patricia Redmond
​Karen Norsworthy
​Paul Perkins

To apply to serve:

To apply to serve on the Salaries and Emoluments Commission, go
to https://onboard.muni.org/apply/

Contact Information:

Salaries and Emoluments Commission,
c/o Municipal Clerk's Office,​

​ wwmasmc@anchorageak.gov;
or 907-343-4311;
or 632 W. Sixth Avenue, Suite 250 ​

Staff Contacts:

Matthew Farina,
Assembly Program and Budget Analyst

Jamie Heinz,​

Municipal Clerk​


Salaries and Emoluments Commission Resolutions

Resolution 2020-1, As Amended
A resolution establishing compensation for the Mayor of the Municipality of Anchorage commencing on July 1, 2021 for the Mayor elected in the April 2021 Election and subsequent elections.​

Resolution 2019-2, As Amended
A resolution establishing compensation for the Municipality of Anchorage Assembly for those members elected or re-elected in the April 2020 Regular Municipal Election and subsequent elections and providing effective dates.

Resolution 2019-1
A resolution recommending amendments to the Anchorage Municipal Code regarding the Commission's meeting schedule. 

Resolution 2018-2
A resolution establishing compensation for the Anchorage School Board for those members elected or re-elected in the April 2019 Regular Municipal Election and subsequent elections and providing effective dates.
Resolution 2018-1
A resolution establishing compensation for the Municipality of Anchorage Assembly for those members elected or re-elected in the April 2019 Regular Municipal Election and subsequent elections and providing effective dates.
Resolution 2015-2
A resolution establishing compensation for the Mayor of the Municipality of Anchorage commencing on July 1, 2015 for the Mayor elected in the April 2015 Election and subsequent elections.

Resolution 2015-1, As Amended

A resolution establishing a policy related to the calculation of compensation of elected officials. 

Resolution 2008-4
A resolution establishing compensation for the Municipality of Anchorage Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility Authority Board of Directors.
Resolution 2008-3
A resolution establishing compensation for the Municipality of Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Authority Board of Directors.
Resolution 2008-2, As Amended
A resolution establishing compensation for the Municipality of Anchorage Assembly and School Board commencing on July 1, 2009 for those members elected in the Regular 2009 Election and July 1 following subsequent elections.
Resolution 2008-1
A resolution establishing compensation for the Municipality of Anchorage commencing on July 1, 2009 for the Mayor elected in the April 2009 Election and subsequent elections.
Resolution 2005-1
A resolution establishing compensation for the Municipality of Anchorage Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility Authority Board of Directors.

Resolution 2004-2
A resolution establishing compensation for the Mayor of the Municipality of Anchorage commencing on July 1, 2006 for the Mayor elected in the April 2006 Election and subsequent elections.
Resolution 2004-1
A resolution establishing compensation for the Municipality of Anchorage Assembly and School Board commencing on July 1, 2005 for those members elected in the April 2005 Election and subsequent elections.