Assembly 101
What We Do
Similar to the U.S. Congress and the Alaska Legislature, we are the Municipality of Anchorage's legislative body. We're a twelve-member body elected by the voters of the Municipality of Anchorage, representing districts from Eklutna to Girdwood. The Assembly:
- Sets municipal policy through enactment of laws (ordinances) and approval of resolutions.
- Approves annual budgets and appropriates money.
- Confirms all appointments to municipal boards and commissions.
- Certifies municipal elections.
- Evaluates the overall efficiency and effectiveness of municipal operations
- Listens to concerns and suggestions from citizens of the Municipality. Contact us.
Each Assembly Member is elected by district and serves a three-year term. There are established six election districts, each with representation from two Assembly members. The geographic boundaries of the districts are described in AO No. 2022-37(S-1), As Amended, the latest ordinance providing for reapportionment of the Assembly election districts (AMC 2.25.010).
The Municipality of Anchorage derives its powers from its 1975 Home Rule Charter and operates under the Anchorage Municipal Code and Code of Regulations, and the Constitution of the State of Alaska and its laws. Alaska Statute Title 29 establishes the policy of maximum local self-government and as a home-rule municipality, the legislative power of the Municipality of Anchorage is vested in the Anchorage Assembly. The Municipality of Anchorage has a system of checks and balances that is written into its Charter. The Assembly is separate from the Mayor's administration but is an equal partner in how our Municipality is run. So, for example, while the Mayor has the option of vetoing items approved by the Assembly, the Assembly can override the Mayor's veto with a super-majority of 8 votes.
Assembly Priorities and Vision
As the legislative branch of the Municipality of Anchorage, the Anchorage Assembly is charged with setting policy for the Municipality. Every year, the Assembly sets a vision and workplan for the year and issues a report of the past year's accomplishments. Learn more about the current priorities and recent actions.
Regular Assembly Meetings
The Anchorage Assembly meets in regular session at least twice a month. All Assembly meetings are open to the public. Regular Meetings are held in the Assembly Chambers at Loussac Library, typically on Tuesday evenings beginning at 5 p.m. View the Assembly Calendar. Meeting agendas and documents and recordings of past meetings can be found here. Copies of the agenda and addendum may also be obtained in advance at the Municipal Clerk's Office on the Friday afternoon before the Tuesday meeting. On the evening of the meeting, copies of the current agenda may be found near the doors to the Assembly Chambers.
Special Meetings and Executive Sessions
The Chair of the Assembly, five Assembly Members, or the mayor may call a special meeting outside of the regular meeting schedule. Special meetings are called when the amount of business needed to complete exceeds the time allowed for a regular meeting, or when a specific topic needs to be addressed in a timely manner.
By ordinance, the Assembly must conduct the Municipality's business in public; however, either the Assembly or the mayor may call an "executive session" to address certain issues confidentially. Issues which warrant an executive session are pending litigation, personnel matters which tend to defame or injure the reputation of persons, or issues that, if immediately disclosed, would tend to adversely affect Municipal finances (AMC 2.30.030K). The Assembly may take no official action in an executive session.
Worksessions and Committee Meetings
Most of the Assembly's legislative work happens in committee meetings and worksessions.
- Worksessions are a chance for the full Assembly to take a deep dive on a specific topic and often include subject matter experts from the municipal administration or community.
- Committees are organized around topics such as Public Safety, Community and Economic Development, and Budget and Finance. Committees discuss proposed ordinances, receive updates from agency representatives, and hear feedback from community members like you.
Work sessions and committee meetings are open to the public and typically take place at the Assembly Conference Room at City Hall (632 W. 6th Ave, Ste. 155), at municipal facilities, or online on Microsoft Teams.
Meeting Agendas
|  Guide to Testimony
|  Committees |  Worksessions |