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​​​Sales Tax (AO 2024-105) Special Committee

The Sales Tax (AO 2024-105) Special Committee meets on an as needed basis to discuss potential blending of AO 2024-105(S) and AO 2024-105(S-2A) and member submitted amendments. This Special Committee was formed to collaborate on substitute versions of the Sales Tax AO (AO 2024-105).

Meetings are held as announced at City Hall​ in ​Assembly Conference Room #155, unless otherwise indicated.  

This Special Committee has been discontinued by the Chair of the Assembly due to the Sponsors of AO 2024-105(S-2A) withdrawing their proposal from consideration. There is no longer a need for the Special Committee as it was formed to find a compromise between AO 2024-105(S-2A) and AO 2024-105(S). 

PREVIOUS MEETING: Friday, January 17, 2025 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. - Agenda 

To attend telephonically please d​ial in using the ​following conference bridge:​​​​​​

Conference Bridge Phone Number: (907) 273-5190 ​
Participant Code – 721227#​​

 For detailed Co​mm​ittee discussion, please refer to the recording of this meeting located on the Municipal Website at WatchNow
​​​Links to YouTube videos of the meetings can be found on the Municipal Meetings page (Municipal Meetings) by clicking on the “view media" link next to the corresponding meeting date. “View media" links are posted at least one hour before the scheduled meeting time and remain archived for future viewing. ​

Previous Meetings:


​Committee Contact:

Assembly Member Zaletel, Chair​

Assembly Member Rivera

Assembly Member Sulte

Assembly Member Volland


Jasmine Acres, Deputy Clerk

Phone: 907-343-4311

Email: wwmasmc@anchorageak.gov​