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The purpose of the American's With Disabilities Act Advisory Commission is to:

  • Review the Americans with Disabilities Act in order to maintain a clear and comprehensive understanding of federal legislation addressing all forms of discrimination against individuals on the basis of disability.
  • Make recommendations to the mayor and assembly for the adoption, change or repeal of municipal laws, rules, regulations, restrictions or other matters affecting the individuals with disabilities community.
  • Act in an advisory capacity to the mayor and the assembly in matters of policy concerning implementation by the municipality of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • Report at least annually to the mayor and the assembly on individuals with disabilities issues and progress in relevant areas such as employment and public and private accommodations.
  • Identify municipal facilities and employment procedures that require modifications and advise the mayor and assembly of those issues.
  • Undertake efforts to open and maintain channels of communication with those with disabilities and to periodically hold hearings on matters of importance to that community, the Municipality of Anchorage, and the local government.
  • Carry out educational and public relations programs designed to create public awareness. Perform such other powers and duties as the assembly may refer from time to time.

ADA Commission meets to discuss general ADA concerns within the Municipality of Anchorage. Please call Jillanne Inglis at 343-4571 if you have any questions or would like a copy of the agenda.

The ADA Advisory Commission meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at the Anchorage Health Department, 825 L Street, 4th Floor Conference Room, Anchorage, Alaska. 


The Commission consists of seven members, with three members from disability organizations and four members of the community.  The Commissioners volunteer their time to serve and educate the community; set annual goals; and present reports to the Assembly and Mayor.

David Ziem​​er, Chair
​​Lindsey Davison 

Ian Miner
Britteny How​ell
Holli Yancey​
Michael Merritt
Bonnie Lucas
​Johnnie Templeton Jr.