Municipality of Anchorage receives PPE Donation from Sister City


Mayor's Corner


​ANCHORAGE — The Municipality of Anchorage received a donation of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) from its Sister City, Harbin, China. The donation includes 10,000 medical masks and 1,000 surgical gowns. 

Sun Zhe, Mayor of Harbin, stated, “In such a challenging time, Harbin is firmly supportive of the MOA's efforts in combating the pandemic and hopes to help. We take this opportunity to address the people of Anchorage of our best wishes and faith. We believe that the city will overcome this hardship and the people and economy will recover and continue to prosper."

Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz and Incident Commander Bill Falsey expressed their gratitude for the generous gesture of goodwill. “This is a reminder about the kindness that comes with friendship. It's a gesture that highlights the human ties that are transcendent in the midst of a global crisis," said Mayor Berkowitz.

The PPE arrived safely thanks to many partners, including Alaska Airlines, Ted Stevens International Airport, Lynden International, Air China, and coordination by the Sister Cities Commission.

The City of Harbin is one of the Municipality's seven Sister Cities. More information about the Sister Cities Commission is available online and on Facebook.

For download and use by news outlets: Video and interviews of the PPE donation.

Credit: Anchorage Mayor's Office 


Media contact: Carolyn Hall, Communications Director, Office of the Mayor, (907)310-0753