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Tradition Tuesday  


​​Tradition Tuesday


Bridge Builders​ of Anchorage is excited to host Tradition Tuesday in partnership with Welcoming Anchorage the third Tuesday of every month at  Loussac Library Atrium​ from 6:00pm-7.00pm.  


Bridge Builders of Anchorage is a grassroots campaign that has grown into a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. We are run by a volunteer board of directors comprised of representatives from different cultures in Anchorage. Our mission is to promote and celebrate harmony and respect among all cultures in order to make Anchorage, Alaska the first city without prejudice. The goal of Tradition Tuesday is to build dialogue, provide cultural enrichment and foster relationships within the community. We want to make Anchorage safer and stronger by connecting with each other.

Anchorage is home to the most ethnically diverse schools and neighborhoods in the United States. Tradition Tuesday is a platform to showcase different communities and cultures to an audience that is eager to learn more about the diverse place in which we live. Each cultural group is welcome to bring in their traditional food, presentations, art, songs, pictures or anything they see fit for the event that shares traditions of their community.

Bridge Builders of Anchorage cordially invites the public to participate in Tradition Tuesday. For the public, Tradition Tuesday is an opportunity for you to learn about the diverse cultures that make Anchorage unique. Beyond creating an enjoyable event, Bridge Builders sees Tradition Tuesday as a positive way to celebrate the diverse spirit of Anchorage and to showcase our appreciation to each group that has contributed to making our city a safe and welcoming home for all people


Questions? Contact us at traditiontuesday@gmail.com​ ​


Planned Schedule of Events


December 17th, 2019
Seven Buffalo Drummers

​Are you interested in having your community represented at a future Tradition Tuesday? 

Fill out of Group Regisration Form below. Registration form must be completed in order to guarantee the reservation.












​​​​​​​​​​Follow us:
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Third Tuesday, monthly



Loussac Library Atrium

3600 Denali St.
Anchorage, AK 99503​


​See our schedule below!​

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