How do I find out about Planning Issues?


The Planning Division attempts to advise Anchorage's residents and businesses of pending planning related issues and decisions. An issue may have the potential to impact the whole community or just a local area.

In order to gain the community's attention, the Division distributes notice of the pending issue through several means, which include:

  • Newspaper ads;
  • Mailed notice to nearby property owners;,
  • Site posted placards;
  • Community councils;
  • Listing on the department's website under e-Alerts; and
  • News media reporting.

The essential information that the Notice will provide is:

  • A brief description of the pending planning issue;
  • A description of the land affected, if any;
  • The location, date, and time of any meetings in which you may attend;
  • Who will be conducting the meeting;
  • The type of meeting - open house, presentation, work session, public hearing or quasi-judicial;
  • Advise where you may obtain additional information; and
  • Advise where you may send written comments or opinions.

Why did my neighbor get a mailed notice and I didn't?

The distance from the site and property ownership determines who is mailed a notice. When a planning matter requires personal notice to property owners the Planning Division uses a formula contain in the land use laws to determine which properties are to be sent a mail notice. The notice is mailed to only those persons who are listed as the property owner on the Municipality's real property tax rolls. If you are not the property owner, such as a renter, then the landlord-property owner was sent the notice. If you are a property owner, then is very likely that your property is just outside the computed notice radius.