Clear Vision Areas
The clear vision area (sometimes called the "sight triangle") is a triangular-shaped area on corner lots. Fences and landscaping within this area are limited to 30" above the elevation of the curb or street centerline so that drivers stopped at an intersection can see oncoming traffic. Buildings, of course, are prohibited.
The clear vision area is defined in AMC 21.45.020.
Diagram illustrating the CVA on a lot with and without corner rounding:

Click to Enlarge
There is a separate provision regarding trees in rights-of-way, found in AMC 24.70.020.D.
The Traffic Department uses the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' sight distance triangle in their reviews. AASHTO Sight Distance Triangle Diagram
If you use the online version of the code (under "External Links), try searching on "21.45.020" or "24.70.020 " for more information. Please note that recent amendments may not have been published yet. The Land Use Division will be happy to verify the current code language for you.