Lot Coverage
Lot coverage is the percentage of the total lot area covered by structures. Structures not counted in measuring lot coverage are as follows:
- Structures less than 30 inches above the finished grade level (such as paved terraces or ground-level decks)
- Windowsills, bay windows, fireplace chases, belt courses, cornices, eaves, and similar incidental architectural features
- Accessibility ramps
- Fences, trellises, poles, posts, ornaments, lawn furniture, and similar custormary yard accessories
- Covered stairways and walkways that are roofed but not fully enclosed and are installed to provide public access between grade-separated areas, but not intended to provide access to any particular structure
- Ground floor porches running parallel to and projecting a minimum of four feet from the street facing facade of the building that is unenclosed or only partly enclosed up to a maximum of 200 square feet
If you use the online version of the code, try searching on "21.06.030" for more information. Please note that recent amendments may not have been published yet. Land Use Review will be happy to verify the current code language for you.